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The greatest injustices prevalent in the world today include racism, child abuse,inequality towards women,snatching breads from the poor's mouths by the rich and so on. Though racism has been officially condemned by Unesco, it is prevalent in various forms in our society. Child abuse is rampant in both developing and developed countries. It is a pity that minor children are forced to work in various fields,involving physical activities in third world countries including India.We bend our heads in shame when we find reports of minor children abused by their parents, teachers or religious preachers in developed countries. Inequality against women has diminished considerably in developed countries, though we find instances of rampant inequality against women at home, service sector in developing countries.From time immemorial, poor people are subjected to physical torture including perishing them by snatching breads from their mouths.While the later will continue in the days to come too, it will take decades for the rest injustices to be erased from the world.

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11y ago

Civilazation is clearly the greatest injustice it have never been and will never be...

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Q: What Are The Greatest Injustices In The World Today?
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