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charles the second

charles II

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Q: The restoration of which monarch to the throne initiated the era known as the Restoration?
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What time period did the British monarch Charles the II return to the throne?

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The glorious revolution brought the Stuart monarch Charles II to the English throne?

No the Restoration brought Charles II, to the throne. The so-called 'Glorious Revolution', saw James II, lose it! 1688.

What was the return of the monarchy called?

The Restoration. The throne was restored to the monarchy.

What was the Stuart Restoration?

King Charles II was restored to the throne in 1660.

What was the Restoration period?

The English Restoration began in 1660 with the restoration of the Stuart Monarch Charles II to the English throne, after the Interregnum period dominated by Oliver Cromwell. This period is referred to as a new age because it was totally opposite of the rule of Cromwell, who shut down theatres and anything that was considered immoral. Charles II's reign is marked by looseness and immorality as well as progressive ideas, landmarks in science and poetry, which were supported by Charles with such institutions as the Royal Society.

Why is this period called restoration?

The period is called the Restoration because it marks the restoration of the English monarchy, specifically the return of King Charles II to the throne in 1660 after the period of Puritan rule under Oliver Cromwell. This event brought stability and a return to traditional forms of government and society in England.

What was the English Restoration period?

king Charles II

Why were the colonies such as carolinas know as restoration colonies?

they had been created mostly due to the restoring of the Stuarts line to the British throne.

Who did the gunpowder plotters want on the throne?

they wanted a Catholic monarch on the throne they wanted a Catholic monarch on the throne

When did Japan start using glass windows?

During the Meiji Restoration when modern structures were built throughout Japan this occured after Emperor Mutsuhito (Meiji) assumed the throne in 1868.

Who was the king that was restored in the restoration of monarchy?

The king that was restored in the Restoration of Monarchy in England was King Charles II. After the English Civil War and the subsequent period of Commonwealth, monarchy was reinstated with the return of Charles II to the throne in 1660.

Name given to the return of Charles 2 to the English throne in 1660 and the following period until 1685?

After the overthrow of Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate and the execution of those charged with the regicide of Charles I, Charles II became King and the Restoration began. After agreeing to end the feudal structure, he was given operating funds by Parliament. The problem was he could request funds as long as many times as he needed. The period was known as the Restoration.