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They make it dry by blocking rain from the west.

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Q: How do the mountains in western Washington most likely affect the weather in the area to the east of them?
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How do mountains affect washington?

Mountains in Washington affect the state in several ways. They influence weather patterns, leading to variations in temperature and precipitation across different regions. Mountains also provide habitats for a diverse range of flora and fauna, as well as opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hiking, skiing, and rock climbing. Additionally, mountains play a crucial role in water storage and supply, impacting the availability of freshwater resources in the region.

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How did weathering and erosion affect the blue ridge mountains?

It can actually effect them because of the mountains, rocks and importantly the Weather. The weather can cause many effects in that place of mountains example the rocks can change shape and colour.

How do the Himilayas affect the weather in India?

the cause Jew in the north of India and the rain from the high mountains cause bad weather in certain cliamets

Describe two ways in which physical geography can affect weather?

Landforms, such as mountains or valleys, can influence the movement of air masses, leading to variations in temperature and precipitation. Proximity to bodies of water, such as oceans or large lakes, can moderate temperatures and contribute to the formation of weather systems like coastal fog or lake-effect snow.

How do mountains affect the weather and climate?

Mountains can influence weather and climate by blocking the movement of air masses, causing precipitation on the windward side (orographic effect) and creating a rain shadow effect on the leeward side. They can also affect temperature patterns by trapping cold air near the surface or creating temperature inversions. Additionally, mountains can alter local wind patterns and can act as barriers to the flow of air masses, affecting regional weather patterns.

How can geologic features affect weather?

Where you are located, the weather will differ. Eg. it will NEVER snow in the desert. Mountains can cause chinooks. Large bodies of water lead to less fluctuations in temperature.

How did rivers and landforms affect the life of early Asians?

The Himalayan mountains kept china and other asian countries isolated from the western world.

. Before the use of the Silk Road how did geography affect early China?

The mountains and deserts in western and southwestern China slowed the exchange of ideas.

Before the use of the Silk Road how did geography affect early China?

The mountains and deserts in western and southwestern China slowed the exchange of ideas.

How does mountains affect people?

Mountains can affect people in various ways such as providing recreational opportunities like hiking and skiing, influencing local weather patterns, serving as a source of freshwater through rivers and streams, and creating barriers to transportation and communication. Additionally, mountains can have cultural significance and spiritual importance for certain communities.