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Prussia was an area that now encompasses parts of eastern Germany, western Poland and far western Russia. Originally, Old Prussia was inhabited by Slavic pagans, but they were conquered by the Teutonic Knights of Germany in the 13th century, and were Germanized/Christianized by way of Immigration. Over the centuries, Prussia changed hands between the Holy Roman Empire (Germany), and the Kingdom of Poland, until 1618, when Prussia united with the German state of Brandenburg and eventually established the Kingdom of Prussia in 1701.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, Prussia became a major military power under the leadership of Frederick the Great and later, Otto Von Bismarck. The Prussians were renowned for their severity and mercilessness in terms of warfare, and were often opposed by large European coalitions (i.e. France, Austria, Russia, Italy, etc..) throughout their history. Prussian militarism was a take-no-prisoners/scorched Earth type of philosophy, and the Prussian war machine was often accused of cruelty and barbarity by their opponents. Many believe Prussian militarism laid the foundation for Nazism to take hold in Germany, but that is debatable. Some believe that the idea of "Prussian militarism" was greatly exaggerated by Prussian detractors, and the horror stories told about Prussian soldiers were nothing more than propaganda, but the historical record does seem to backup some of the claims.

Prussia was instrumental in forming the Deutsches Reich, also known as the 2nd Reich, or German Empire in 1871. They played a major role in defeating Napoleon at Waterloo, and also captured the city of Paris during the Franco-Prussian war, several decades before the outbreak of WWI. After WWII, most of Prussia was taken from Germany and given to the state of Poland. Konigsberg, the one time capital of Prussia, was seized by the Russians and renamed Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad is now the most westerly Russian territory, and an important Russian port town.

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Prussian militarism refers to the historical belief in the strength and prominence of the Prussian military, particularly during the 18th and 19th centuries. It emphasized the importance of a strong military as a means to assert power and influence in European politics. Prussian militarism was a key component of Prussian identity and played a significant role in the formation of a unified Germany in the 19th century.

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What does militarism mean?

Militarism is a belief in the importance of a strong military force and a readiness to use it aggressively to achieve national goals. It often involves the glorification of military virtues and the belief that military solutions are the best way to solve conflicts.

Who was a Prussian politician who wanted to forge the German states into one nation?

Otto von Bismarck, known as the "Iron Chancellor," was a Prussian politician who played a key role in the unification of Germany. Through a series of wars and skillful diplomacy, he succeeded in uniting various German states under Prussian leadership, culminating in the establishment of the German Empire in 1871.

Why is militarism important?

Militarism is important for defense and national security purposes, to protect a country's sovereignty and interests. It can also serve as a deterrent to potential threats or acts of aggression. Additionally, a strong military can contribute to stability and peacekeeping efforts both domestically and internationally.

Why did democracy fail and authoritarian militarism take it's place?

Democracy may have failed due to political instability, corruption, or economic crises, which led to a desire for strong leadership and stability. Authoritarian militarism may have taken its place because it promised order, security, and a sense of control over the situation. Additionally, military leaders may have exploited the situation to consolidate power and suppress dissent.

How are the two words fascist and nazi similar?

Both "fascist" and "Nazi" refer to authoritarian political ideologies that prioritize nationalism, militarism, and a strong centralized government. The Nazi party, specifically, was a fascist political party led by Adolf Hitler in Germany during World War II.

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In the 1870's empires, imperialism and militarism rose in Europe. The Franco-Prussian War ended France's presupposed hegemony over European affairs.

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What is it called when a nation builds up its armed forces?

the answer is militarism

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What part did militarism play in increasing tensions in Europe?

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