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VISIBLE EXPORTS are actual goods which are sold to other nations by domestic firms, like tables, TVs, and vehicles.

INVISIBLE EXPORTS are services which are sold to other nations by domestic firms, like banking, insurance, and tourism.

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10mo ago

Visible exports refer to tangible goods that are sold to other countries, while invisible exports refer to services provided by one country to another, such as tourism, consulting, or financial services. Both types of exports contribute to a country's economy by generating revenue and creating jobs.

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10y ago

In economics, visible export is the export of physically tangle goods from one country to other countries, and re-export of goods at various stages of production. Invisible export involves the export of physically intangible items, such as services, from one country to other countries.

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14y ago

visible trade refers to the import or export of physical goods (things you can see) for eg. food

invisible trade is the opposite , the import or export of services eg.tourism

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