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βˆ™ 10mo ago

A hawk.

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Q: Someone who supports a warlike policy in foreign affairs is a?
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What does jingo mean?

Jingo is a derogatory term for an extreme patriot, someone who advocates aggressive and warlike foreign policy to assert their country's power. It can also refer to a person who displays excessive nationalism and bellicosity.

How warlike were the Sioux?

The Sioux was a warlike tribe. They used homemade weapons to fight against their enemies. They were warlike

What distinguishes a totalitarian government from a fascists one?

Fascism is a form of totalitarianism that involves extreme nationalism and warlike foreign policy.

Is Maryland peaceful or warlike?

Back then, Maryland was warlike.

Where the Apaches warlike or peaceful?

warlike they fight alot

What is the noun for warlike?

The word 'warlike' is an adjective form of the noun war.

What is Albert the Warlike's birthday?

Albert the Warlike was born on March 28, 1522.

When was Albert the Warlike born?

Albert the Warlike was born on March 28, 1522.

What does martial efficacy mean?

Martial efficacy, we can define it by breaking it down into the two words. Martial in this context is defined as 'fighting', 'warlike', 'soldierly'. Efficacy is the the power to produce a desired effect. So martial efficacy is the level at which someone can effectively be soldierly, warlike etc. In laymen's terms - the level at which someone can effectively fight.

When did Albert the Warlike die?

Albert the Warlike died on January 8, 1557 at the age of 34.

Which group was known for being warlike Sumerians Assyrians or Babylonians?

The Assyrians were known for being warlike.

How old was Albert the Warlike at death?

Albert the Warlike died on January 8, 1557 at the age of 34.