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The cakes refer to the different types of federalism. The main concern is the sharing or separation of powers and the extent to which the State and Federal governments cooperate or compete. They are as follows

Layer Cake--Dual Federalism--1789 to 1860

Marble Cake--Cooperative Federalism-- 1930 to 1960

Pound Cake--Co-optive federalism-- 1960 to 1980

Crumble Cake--Competitive Federalism-- 1980 till Present

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the correct answer is (A) dual federalism; (B) cooperative federalism
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4mo ago

Layer cake federalism represents dual federalism, where state and federal governments operate in distinct areas. Marble cake federalism represents cooperative federalism, where state and federal governments share responsibilities and work together. Dual federalism is characterized by clear boundaries between state and federal authority, while cooperative federalism emphasizes intergovernmental collaboration and blurred lines of authority.

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Q: What type of federalism does each cake analogy represent?
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What does federalism look like?

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority (federal government) and individual states or provinces. Each level of government has its own sphere of authority and responsibilities, as outlined in the constitution. This allows for a balance between national unity and regional autonomy.

What is the constitutional system that divides power between the national and state governments called?

Federalism is the constitutional system that divides power between the national (federal) government and state governments. This system allows for each level of government to have its own powers and responsibilities, while also sharing some powers and cooperating on certain issues.

What do each of the three leaves stand for on a shamrock?

The three leaves on a shamrock are said to represent faith, hope, and love. In Christian symbolism, they can also represent the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Why do we have state symbols?

State symbols are used to represent the unique identity and heritage of each state. These symbols can include things like state flags, animals, flowers, and slogans that help promote a sense of pride and unity among residents. They serve as symbols of state pride and often reflect the history, culture, and natural resources of a specific state.

How many United States senators represent Oklahoma and what are their names?

Oklahoma is represented by two United States senators. As of September 2021, the senators are James Inhofe and James Lankford.

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Federalism is an ideology based on how much power the federal (national) level of government should have. There are two main schools of thought. One is dual federalism (also known as layer cake federalism). Under dual federalizm, state and national government both have their own set of powers and should not interfere with each other's business. The other, cooperative federalism (or marble cake federalism), is based on the idea that both levels of government should work together. Take for example the New Deal.

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Dual Federalism: a system of government in which both the states and the national government remain supreme within their own spheres, each responsible for some policies. This is commonly known as "layer cake" federalism.

The idea that the national and state governments are each given certain powers is an example of?

this is federalism. people who post need to spell CORRECTLY!

What is the similarities between dual federalism and cooperative federalism?

Dual federalism: Think of it as a layer cake in which national and state governmentsare split into their own independent spheres. This form of government revolves around the idea that both national and state governments are sovereign within their own spheres. This results in a relationship between state governments and national governments that relies on tension rather than cooperation.Cooperative federalism: Think of it as a marble cake in which national and state governments work together to solve common problems and are each individual parts to a whole. This form of federalism revolves around making policies equally and not separately. This results in a relationship between state governments and national governments that relies on cooperation rather than tension.

Compare Dual Federalism Cooperative Federalism and New Federalism?

Duel Federalism: Both the State and Federal levels of government are in their own separate spheres, and do not work together to solve issues. They should be coequal sovereign governments, but within the limits that they both have (States limitations as made by the Constitution).-separate, equal powerCooperative Federalism: State and Federal governments work together to solve issues. Also called "marble-cake."-work togetherNew Federalism: Gives more control over federal programs to state and local levels. Involves more block grants.-gives states more power

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