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Dante uses imagery as an enhancement.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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SweatyMigit KYS

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βˆ™ 2y ago
imagery is correct for apex
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Dante uses personification to give human-like qualities to the fat worm Cerberus. This enhances the description by creating a vivid image of Cerberus's reaction to seeing Dante and his companions.

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Q: When the fat worm Cerberus had seen us he opened up his mouths and showed his fangs. He stood there quivering in every muscle. What literary device does Dante use in these three lines to enhance the r?
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What literary device does Dante use in these three lines to enhance the reader's understanding of Cerberus?

Dante uses personification in these lines to enhance the reader's understanding of Cerberus. By giving human attributes to the mythological creature, such as its "greedy gullet" and its "frightful hooks," Dante makes Cerberus more vivid and relatable for the reader. This literary device helps to bring the character to life and create a stronger impression.

What literary device does Dante use in these lines to enhance the reader's understanding of the cerbus?

Dante uses personification, as Cerberus is depicted with human-like qualities such as gluttony and aggression, to make the infernal creature more relatable and vivid for the reader. This literary device allows Dante to emphasize Cerberus's ferocious nature in a way that connects with the reader's own experiences and emotions.

Is punctuation a literary device?

Punctuation is not considered a literary device on its own. It is a set of symbols used to clarify and enhance the meaning of written language. However, the deliberate use of punctuation can contribute to the overall style, tone, and rhythm of a literary work.

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Alliteration is a literary device in poetry where the same beginning sound is repeated in adjacent or closely connected words. This technique can create a musical quality in the poem and enhance its overall rhythm and structure.

What type of literary device for White Fang?

"White Fang" features several literary devices, including symbolism, foreshadowing, and personification. The author, Jack London, uses these devices to enhance the themes of survival, nature, and the innate instincts of animals.

Is A literary device an unusual twist of plot character or way of telling a story that makes it interesting to the reader?

A literary device refers to a technique or tool used by writers to enhance their writing and create a specific effect on the reader. It can include elements like metaphors, similes, imagery, or irony, which add depth and meaning to the text. While a literary device can contribute to making a story more interesting, it is not necessarily dependent on an unusual twist in the plot or characters.

What is the literary device for tic tic tic tic?

Onomatopoeia is the name of the literary device in which sounds are written into words.

What is the difference between a literary device and a literary element?

A literary device is a specific technique or tool used by writers to create a particular effect in their writing, such as metaphor or foreshadowing. Conversely, a literary element refers to the basic components that make up a work of literature, such as plot, setting, character, theme, and point of view. In essence, literary devices are the techniques employed within these fundamental elements to enhance the overall quality and impact of the writing.

Is there a literary device used in you left me?


What is the literary device that deals with blatantly negative language?

First-person narration is a literary device that deals with blatantly negative language.

You gown was a grassie green your sleeves of satten hanging by what literary device is being used?

The literary device that is used here is repetition.

What is literary elements sequence in narrative and allusion?

In a narrative, the sequence of literary elements typically includes setting, character development, plot, conflict, climax, and resolution. Allusion is a literary device where an author refers to a well-known person, place, event, or piece of literature within their own work to enhance meaning or create connections for the reader.