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Uncle Camp is sort of a mouse....

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5mo ago

Metaphors in "Cold Sassy Tree" include references to nature, such as describing the town as a "wilderness," and using the changing seasons to represent the passage of time and emotions. Additionally, the use of food metaphors, like comparing love to a feast, are prevalent in the novel.

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When was Cold Sassy Tree - opera - created?

Cold Sassy Tree - opera - was created in 2000.

What does the Title have to do with the book Cold Sassy Tree?

There is a sassafrates tree in cold sassy where the first pioneers rested under that tree.

When was Cold Sassy Tree created?

"Cold Sassy Tree" is a novel by Olive Ann Burns, first published in 1984. The story is set in the early 20th century in the fictional town of Cold Sassy, Georgia.

How did the town of cold sassy in cold sassy tree get its name?

When people in wagons and travelers rode through, they would always see the huge sassafras tree and go sit under it for rest and it would be the coldest spot even in the summer and when they rode by it they would always say that there's the cold sassy tree and that's what they started calling the town and that's how the town got it's name.

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Cold Sassy Tree - 1989 TV is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Australia:M Iceland:L

What are the release dates for Cold Sassy Tree - 1989 TV?

Cold Sassy Tree - 1989 TV was released on: USA: 16 October 1989 Germany: 28 May 1994

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normal and natural

In Cold Sassy Tree how does Rucker die?

He dies from pneumonia after he gets brutalized by robbers.

What conflicts occurred in the novel Cold Sassy Tree?

there were many conflicts in cold sassy tree 1. loma and marry did not approve of their fathers new marriage 2. will likes lightfoot and they are forbidden to be together 3.Rucker dies when he has a new baby on the way

In Cold Sassy Tree in chapter 6 Grandpa what is the sin he mentions?

In chapter 6 of "Cold Sassy Tree," Grandpa mentions the sin of coveting thy neighbor's wife. He expresses disapproval of this sinful behavior and emphasizes the importance of honoring one's commitments and relationships.

What would Grandpa Blakeslee enjoy most in cold sassy tree?

shopping at a local department store