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The three parts to the quotation somewhat follow the three basic steps of a classical education. Reading supplies a person with the information needed to deal with some difficulty. Conferring with another person hones all that information, helps a person to prioritise the massive amount of information so that it can be useful. Finally, the act of writing is helpful to express what is needed to solve the difficulty in a very clear way.Reading maketh a full man means a person develops his knowledge base and becomes learned. This leads to a fuller and well informed individual. Conference makes a ready man, implies a man of ready wits and alertness, a good speaker, quick and agile to use his wits to get out of any tricky situation or to take advantage of any opportunity that may come his way. Writing is a skill that demands precision, sound judgement and exactness on the part of the writer. Remember, what you write will forever be part of a record that may be used against you, to judge you or to praise you. You may prise yourself out of any words that you spoke, by saying that those words were misquoted. But not so with writing as the written words may come back to haunt you in future, which implies you have to be more exact in your writings.

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12y ago
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5mo ago

This quote means that reading helps broaden one's knowledge and understanding ('full man'), discussing with others sharpens one's thinking and communication skills ('ready man'), and writing helps refine one's thoughts and expression ('exact man'). Together, these activities help individuals become well-rounded and effective communicators.

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15y ago

It is very simple, It is said by Sir Francis Bacon.

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14y ago

Means reading brings knowledge and wisdom to man.without it man cannot learn.

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Q: Explain quote Reading maketh a full man conference a ready man and writing an exact man?
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