Everyone might not agree, but home grown and farmer's market tomatoes are almost always BETTER than supermarket tomatoes as far as texture and taste goes. Nutritionally, they could be about the same, but it depends on how they are grown. If they are grown in nutrient-rich soil, the home grown ones are likely to have better nutrition.
citrus fruit
I believe that a white blemish on a tomato is caused by the stink bug - they are grey bugs that suck the juice out of tomatoes.
When you buy tomatoes from the store they are mostly sprayed with chemicals to keep bugs of them which make them a bit bitter. When you grow them yourself they usually not sprayed with chemicals so they are sweet and can also be called organic.
This is not a question it is an opinion. apex - tomatoes; strawberries ;)
catch a bus
Home Grown - album - was created in 1998.
Tomatoes are the most commonly grown vegetable in the home garden, according to Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service. Much of their popularity is probably due to their versatility and adaptability to different habitats. India
Chef at Home - 2004 Tomatoes 101 was released on: USA: 15 February 2005
Here is a bit of tomato trivia: Every state in the U.S. grows tomatoes except Alaska. Thomas Jefferson was one of the first Americans to grow tomatoes at his Virginia home as early as 1781. China grows more tomatoes than any other country. Now to answer your question, here is what I found: Florida has the largest fresh tomato industry -- grows 50% of all the domestically produced tomatoes. California has the largest processed tomato production. California grows 10.75 million tons. If you would like more information, check out: http://www.ctga.org and www.floridatomatoes.org
home grown deep fried