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Yes. Germanium is a mineral. Small amounts of organic germanium are found in some plant-based foods.

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Q: Is germanium a plant
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Is geranium a metal?

No, geranium is not a metal. Geranium is a flowering plant commonly grown for its ornamental flowers and fragrant leaves. It is not a metal but rather a living organism belonging to the plant kingdom.

What does germanium do?

Germanium does no "do" anything.

Who is Germanium manufactured?

Germanium is not manufactured; its ore is mined then refined into germanium.

How many electrons does germanium have?

Germanium has 32 electrons.

What is a germanium's atomic number How many electrons does germanium have?

Germanium has an atomic number of 32. Therefore, germanium has 32 electrons.

How many protons are in the element germanium?

Germanium has 32 protons.

How many protons does germanium have?

Germanium has 32 protons.

Does germanium form any isotopes?

Yes, germanium does form isotopes. It has five stable isotopes: germanium-70, germanium-72, germanium-73, germanium-74, and germanium-76. Additionally, there are several unstable isotopes of germanium that have been produced in laboratories.

What compounds contain germanium?

Germanium can be found in compounds such as germanium dioxide (GeO2), germanium tetrahydride (GeH4), and germanium tetrachloride (GeCl4). These compounds are important in the electronics industry and for various chemical applications.

Is germanium a insulator of electricity?

Germanium is a semiconductor

Is germanium ductile?

No, germanium is very brittle.

How many radioactive isotopes are there in germanium?

Natural germanium has only one radioactive isotope - germanium 76. 27 artificial radioisotopes of germanium are known.