

Which countries use the kelvin scale?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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13y ago

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  • Afghanistan (308)
  • Albania (93)
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  • Barbados (250)
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  • Bolivia (224)
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  • Botswana (161)
  • Brazil (3081)
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  • Cambodia (345)
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  • Congo (Brazzaville) (35)
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  • Czech Republic (2621)
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  • Djibouti (22)
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  • Dominican Republic (561)
  • East Timor (Timor Timur) (39)
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  • El Salvador (182)
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  • Kuwait (253)
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  • Papua New Guinea (196)
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  • Saint Lucia (93)
  • Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (69)
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  • Tonga (91)
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13y ago
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1mo ago

The Kelvin scale is used worldwide as the standard unit for temperature measurement in scientific research, industry, and education. It is not specific to any particular country but is universally recognized and utilized.

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Q: Which countries use the kelvin scale?
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Related questions

What countries use kelvin?

the Kelvin temperature scale is not used for everyday measurements in any country. It is used by scientists in every country.

How do you use kelvin scale in a sentence?

Kelvin scale is named after a famous British mathematician and physicis william thomson ans first Baron kelvin

What temperature scale does not use degree?

The Kelvin scale does not use the term "degree." It is based on absolute zero as 0 K, which is the point at which particles have minimal motion. The Kelvin scale is commonly used in scientific measurements.

What measure temperature?

The basic unit is a Kelvin but it is common to use a degree Celsius. The Kelvin scale is absolute whereas the zero point on the Celsius scale is arbitrary.

Why do you use kelvin instead of Celsius?

Kelvin and Celsius are both units used to measure temperature. Celsius is typically used in countries that use the metric system. Kelvin is used in a scientific or academic setting, because it's scale is more precise than Celsius.

What temperature scale do you use to measure gases?


Why do you use the celsius scale?

It's compatible with kelvin.

How do scientists use the kelvin scale?

Scientists use the Kelvin scale to measure temperature in scientific experiments and calculations. The Kelvin scale is based on absolute zero, the point at which all molecular movement ceases. By using the Kelvin scale, scientists can accurately measure temperature without negative values.

Why is it incorrect to say the temperature of an object is 25 degrees kelvin?

It is incorrect to say the temperature of an object is 25 degrees Kelvin because the Kelvin scale does not use the term "degrees." Instead, temperatures on the Kelvin scale are expressed simply as "25 Kelvin" or "25 K."

Why Scientist use the celsius scale?

It has the same magnitude as kelvin.

When do you use kelvin?

This scale is mostly used in scientific applications.

When was Kelvin invented?

William Thomson, Baron Kelvin the First, first called for the use of this scale in 1848.