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Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was attributed to his persistent experimentation with different materials and methods to find the most suitable filament, his ability to iterate quickly on failures, and his team of skilled assistants who supported his work.

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Q: What was the key factor in Thomas Edisons success in designing the light bulb?
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What was the key factor in Thomas Edison's success in desigining the light bulb?

Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was due to his persistence and willingness to conduct thousands of experiments until he found the right material for the filament. Additionally, his ability to create a practical and efficient electric lighting system helped him achieve success.

What is the key factor of Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb?

Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb can be attributed to his persistence in experimentation and innovation. He conducted thousands of experiments to find the right materials and design, eventually leading to the creation of a commercially viable light bulb. Edison's ability to continuously test and refine his ideas played a crucial role in his success.

What was the key factor in Thomas Edison and success in designing the light bulb What were some of the new things that were possible because of this invention?

One key factor in Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was his perseverance through numerous experiments to find the right material for the filament. The invention of the light bulb revolutionized society by enabling longer work hours, increased safety through lighting up streets and homes, and improved overall quality of life with extended hours for leisure and productivity.

What was the key factor in Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb What were some new things possible because of this invention?

Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was attributed to his relentless experimentation and innovation. He tried thousands of different materials before finding the right combination for the filament. The invention of the light bulb revolutionized industries by extending productive hours, improving safety in homes and workplaces, and stimulating urban growth.

What was the key factor in Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb What were some of the new things that were possible because of this invention?

One key factor in Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was his methodical approach to experimentation, which involved testing thousands of materials to find the right filament. The invention of the light bulb made it possible to have artificial light that was reliable, long-lasting, and safe, revolutionizing industries and lifestyles by extending the productive hours of the day and creating new opportunities for work and leisure.

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What was the key factor in Thomas Edison's success in desigining the light bulb?

Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was due to his persistence and willingness to conduct thousands of experiments until he found the right material for the filament. Additionally, his ability to create a practical and efficient electric lighting system helped him achieve success.

What is the key factor of Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb?

Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb can be attributed to his persistence in experimentation and innovation. He conducted thousands of experiments to find the right materials and design, eventually leading to the creation of a commercially viable light bulb. Edison's ability to continuously test and refine his ideas played a crucial role in his success.

What was key factor in Thomas Edison success in designing the light bulb?

Finding a metal that would glow without burning and evacuating the area to prevent burning out of the filament.

What was the key factor in Thomas Edison and success in designing the light bulb What were some of the new things that were possible because of this invention?

One key factor in Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was his perseverance through numerous experiments to find the right material for the filament. The invention of the light bulb revolutionized society by enabling longer work hours, increased safety through lighting up streets and homes, and improved overall quality of life with extended hours for leisure and productivity.

What was the key factor in Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb What were some new things possible because of this invention?

Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was attributed to his relentless experimentation and innovation. He tried thousands of different materials before finding the right combination for the filament. The invention of the light bulb revolutionized industries by extending productive hours, improving safety in homes and workplaces, and stimulating urban growth.

What was the key factor in Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb What were some of the new things that were possible because of this invention?

One key factor in Thomas Edison's success in designing the light bulb was his methodical approach to experimentation, which involved testing thousands of materials to find the right filament. The invention of the light bulb made it possible to have artificial light that was reliable, long-lasting, and safe, revolutionizing industries and lifestyles by extending the productive hours of the day and creating new opportunities for work and leisure.

What was the key factor in Thomas Edison in designing the light bulb?

Finding a metal that would glow without burning and evacuating the area to prevent burning out of the filament.

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