The homophone for lightening is lightning.
lightening (to make lighter)
The homophone for an electric flash from clouds is "lightning."
The homophone for an electric flash from clouds is "lightning."
The homophones for "an electric flash from clouds" are "lightning" and "lightening," while the homophone for "make lighter" is "lighter" (as in a device for igniting flames).
The homophone for bolt is "boult."
The homophone for chilly is chili.
The homophone for "lightening" is "lightning." "Lightening" means to make lighter, while "lightning" refers to a sudden flash of light in the sky during a storm.
The homophone for an electric flash from clouds is "lightning."
The homophone for an electric flash from clouds is "lightning."
lightning, lightening
lightning, lightening
lightning, lightening
lightning, lightening
lightning, lightening
lightning, lightening
The answer is that there is no homophone for can, but can is a homonym.
The homophone for "hymn" is "him."
the homophone for stationery is stationary