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Gravity is the dominant force that governs motion in the universe on a large scale, such as the motion of planets, stars, and galaxies. It is responsible for keeping celestial bodies in their orbits. On a smaller scale, other forces like electromagnetism and nuclear forces also play a role in governing motion.

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Q: What is the force that govern the motion in the universe?
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Where do forces come from?

Forces come from interactions between objects or particles. They can arise from the electromagnetic force, gravitational force, or nuclear forces depending on the nature of the objects involved. These forces govern the motion and behavior of objects in the universe.

What is the major force in universe?

Gravity is considered to be the major force in the universe, governing the motion of planets, stars, and galaxies.

Basics of Physics?

Physics is the study of the natural world and how it works. It covers topics like motion, forces, energy, and matter. By observing and experimenting, physicists seek to understand the fundamental principles that govern the universe.

What type of person studies motion force and energy to explain the way things work?

A physicist typically studies motion, force, and energy to explain the way things work. Physicists use mathematical models and experiments to understand the fundamental laws of nature that govern motion and energy in the universe. They may specialize in fields such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, or quantum mechanics to explain these concepts in different contexts.

What laws govern uniformly accelerated motion?

Uniformly accelerated motion is governed by Newton's laws of motion, particularly the second law (F = ma) which relates acceleration, force, and mass. Additionally, the equations of motion derived from kinematics, such as s = ut + (1/2)at^2, can be used to describe the motion of an object experiencing constant acceleration.

Related questions

Where do forces come from?

Forces come from interactions between objects or particles. They can arise from the electromagnetic force, gravitational force, or nuclear forces depending on the nature of the objects involved. These forces govern the motion and behavior of objects in the universe.

Studies motion force and energy to explain the way things work?

Physics is the branch of science that studies motion, force, and energy to explain how objects interact and the principles that govern the physical world. It seeks to understand the fundamental laws that shape the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.

What is the major force in universe?

Gravity is considered to be the major force in the universe, governing the motion of planets, stars, and galaxies.

What forces govern the behavior of subatomic particle?

The four forces govern the behavior of subatomic particles are the only four forces that we know about in our Universe: the strong nuclear force, the electro-magnetic force, the weak force, and gravity.

Basics of Physics?

Physics is the study of the natural world and how it works. It covers topics like motion, forces, energy, and matter. By observing and experimenting, physicists seek to understand the fundamental principles that govern the universe.

What type of person studies motion force and energy to explain the way things work?

A physicist typically studies motion, force, and energy to explain the way things work. Physicists use mathematical models and experiments to understand the fundamental laws of nature that govern motion and energy in the universe. They may specialize in fields such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, or quantum mechanics to explain these concepts in different contexts.

What laws govern uniformly accelerated motion?

Uniformly accelerated motion is governed by Newton's laws of motion, particularly the second law (F = ma) which relates acceleration, force, and mass. Additionally, the equations of motion derived from kinematics, such as s = ut + (1/2)at^2, can be used to describe the motion of an object experiencing constant acceleration.

What are the primary forces of the universe?

The primary forces of the universe are gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. These forces govern the interactions between matter and energy at the most fundamental level.

Is the following statement trye or falseForces on Earth are different from those elsewhere in the universe?

False. The forces acting on objects on Earth, such as gravity, are the same as those acting elsewhere in the universe. The laws of physics that govern these forces are consistent throughout the universe.

What are the laws that governs the physical universe?

The physical universe is governed by fundamental laws of physics such as Newton's laws of motion, the laws of thermodynamics, and Einstein's theory of relativity. These laws describe how matter and energy interact and govern the behavior of the universe on a macroscopic scale.

What are the Five main types of forces?

The five main types of forces are gravitational force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and frictional force. These forces govern the interactions between objects and particles in the universe.

Do the planets in the solar system move according to the strict physical laws?

Yes, the planets in the solar system move according to strict physical laws, specifically Newton's laws of motion and gravitational force. These laws govern the motion and interactions of all objects in the universe, including planets orbiting around the sun.