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MASER -Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

With a LASER, we get uniform, coherent, monochromatic electromagnetic radiation of wave length in the visible and near visible range (1mm-10nm).

MASERs use microwaves instead and the wavelength is longer (1mm to 1m).

Since the energy of a photon can be calculated by Energy= h (Planks constant) x f (frequency) the energy in a MASER is less than that in a LASER all other things being the same.

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9mo ago

A laser emits coherent light in the visible or infrared spectrum, while a maser emits coherent microwaves. Lasers are more common and widely used in various applications such as telecommunications, surgery, and research, while masers are often used in specialized scientific and technical fields, such as atomic clocks and radio astronomy.

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2y ago

laser Uses light in visible frequency (light that human can see) while maser uses light in microwave frequency (light waves we cannot see)

Laser emit photons of more frequency shorter wavelength and greater energy while maser emit photons of less frequency with large wavelength and hence less energy.

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Q: What is the difference between a LASER and a MASER?
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A maser is a principle of?

A maser is a device that amplifies and emits electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region of the spectrum. It works on the principle of stimulated emission of radiation, similar to a laser but operating at longer wavelengths. Masers are used in scientific research, communication systems, and atomic clocks.

Why did Charles Hard Townes win The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964?

Charles Hard Townes won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964 for his work on the invention of the maser, which is a type of device that produces intense and coherent electromagnetic radiation. His contributions to the development of the maser laid the foundation for the later invention of the laser, which has had widespread applications in science, technology, and industry.

What is difference between three and four level laser?

The main difference between three and four level lasers lies in the energy levels involved in the lasing transition. In a three-level laser, the lasing transition occurs between the ground state and an excited state, while in a four-level laser, an additional intermediate energy level is used to facilitate the lasing process. This intermediate level enables four-level lasers to operate more efficiently at higher power levels compared to three-level lasers.

What is the main difference between laser and ordinary white light?

The main difference is that laser light is coherent, meaning the light waves are aligned and moving in a single direction, while ordinary white light is non-coherent, with light waves traveling in random directions. Laser light is also monochromatic, meaning it consists of a single color, while white light contains a mixture of different colors.

What is the difference between a laser pointer and an infrared laser pointer?

A regular laser pointer emits visible light that you can see, while an infrared laser pointer emits infrared light that is not visible to the human eye. Infrared laser pointers are often used in applications where visibility is not important, such as in remote controls or night vision devices.

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What is maser and laser?

maser : any of several devices that amplify or generate electromagnetic waves, especially microwaves.

How did Charles hard townes make a difference?

Charles Hard Towns made a difference in the world for his invention of the Laser and Maser. Without these life would be very difficult.

What is meant by masers?

A 'maser' is a 'laser' that amplifies and emits Microwave radiation instead of Light.

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A laser is man-made, a river is natural.

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There is no difference.

Scientific discoveries that led to technological advances?

The invention of the Maser, followed soon after by the Laser allowed a huge spread of technologies. From surveying, through to the check-out counter, the laser is ubiquitous today.From a similar era, the computer, and its operational languages affect most parts of today's activities.Both the Maser and Laser are themselves technologies, but they followed on theoretical speculation and research.

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An ink jet printer simply prints. A color laser copier COPIES. This is the significant difference between the two.

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potential transformer is to maser and protection purpose the ivt is used for synchronicing purpose

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Razor, Maser, Laser, Lover, Loner, Liver, Lager, Loser, Lader.

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An ink jet printer simply prints. A color laser copier COPIES. This is the significant difference between the two.

When were lasers created?

The idea of using visible light came around in the late '50's with the first patent attempt in 1958. The first working laser was made in 1960. It was based on an earlier invention called the MASER that used microwaves. The first thought about using infrared but then settled on visible light.Because it used visible light, the first patent used the term "optical MASER" instead of "LASER". The term LASER came from a paper in 1959 that spoke of the concept.LASER stands for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. (for MASER, replace "light" with "microwave")