When someone calls you Einstein, they are typically complimenting your intelligence or cleverness. It's a reference to Albert Einstein, a renowned physicist known for his groundbreaking theories.
No, Albert Einstein was not left-handed. He was right-handed.
Yes, Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity on his own, using his own intellectual capacities and insights. He worked on his theory while employed as a patent clerk in Switzerland, independently formulating the groundbreaking ideas that revolutionized the field of physics.
Yes, Albert Einstein was Jewish. He was born into a Jewish family in Germany and identified with his Jewish heritage throughout his life.
No, according to my research he did not marry his sister. But Albert Einstein did indeed marry his relative (first cousin) Elsa Einstein. Weird huh,O_o for the smartest man known world wide you'd think he had the brains to not to marry someone in the family. Thats like a brother marrying his sister :3
No the sons of Albert Einstein are: Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard. They also had a daughter named Lieserl (Her real name is unknown but love letters to Einstein's wife Maric from Einstein call her Lieserl)
when someone calls you peaches that means that you smell inappropriate
if someone calls you a cat fish that means that you are a scary cat
It mean's honey:)
When Someone thinks you are bad but your not
when someone calls someone a dog they mean homie or a guy that flirts with a lot of girls dude how do you not know that
They do not like you.
that your nice
To call someone feminine
When someone calls you a silly biscuit it just means they are calling you fat and funny