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The world's largest particle accelerator is used to accelerate particles to extremely high energies at which they can undergo collisions which, it is hoped, will produce previously unseen kinds of results which will shed light on currently mysterious or unanswered questions about particle physics, thereby increasing human knowledge and our understanding of the way the universe works on a very deep, fundamental level.

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Scientists at CERN hope to further our understanding of particle physics, study the fundamental particles that make up the universe, and explore questions about the origins of the universe, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy. They also aim to test the predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics and search for evidence of new physics beyond it.

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Did scientists create Time Machine?

No, scientists have not created a working time machine as portrayed in science fiction. The concept of time travel is still theoretical and has not been demonstrated in reality.

Problem scientists are trying to solve?

Scientists are working to understand the impact of climate change on global ecosystems, develop sustainable energy sources to combat climate change, and find solutions to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Why did scientists work so fast on the atomic bomb?

Scientists worked quickly on the atomic bomb during World War II due to the urgency of the war effort. There was concern that Nazi Germany was also working on developing such a weapon, and the desire to end the war quickly played a significant role in the swift progress of the Manhattan Project.

What is the scientific definition of a machine?

A machine is a device that uses energy to perform work by applying forces and controlling motion to accomplish a specific task or function. Machines can be simple tools, mechanical devices, or complex systems that consist of interconnected parts working together.

CERN is the birthplace of what?

quoting CERN's public pages: "Where the web was born Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at CERN, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1990. The Web, as it is affectionately called, was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automatic information sharing between scientists working in different universities and institutes all over the world."

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Yes, a broken or disconnected accelerator cable is the likely cause for the accelerator pedal to quit working. The car will still run fine but will not be able to accelerate past idle.

What does a non-working accelerator pump have on your vehicle?

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By working hard and making wise decisions.

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As of 2019, about 7% of NASA employees are of Indian descent, making them one of the largest non-American ethnic groups working at NASA.

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Science is a cooperative enterprise. By working together, scientists can learn a lot more than they can by working in isolation.

Where do scientists stay in antarctica?

Scientists working in a research station sleep in dormitories and eat in cafeterias. Scientists working in field camps sleep in tents and eat in mess tents.

What do scientists look for in Antarctica?

Scientists working in Antarctica study the health of planet earth.

How many Russian scientists are there total?

there were 20000 Russian scientists working in the United States in 2003

Are scientist able to predict earthquakes?

no but scientists are working on it

Does the auditory nerve grow?

scientists are working everyday on it.

Why are modles useful to scientists?

It gives them an example of what they are working with