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Applied physics rather than theoretical physics. However with your attitude you will either be a multimillionaire or crash out.

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The branch of physics that typically makes the most money is applied physics, especially in industries like engineering, materials science, and technology. Theoretical physicists can also earn high salaries, but income can vary widely depending on factors such as experience, industry, and location. Salaries for theoretical physicists can range anywhere from around $50,000 to over $150,000 per year.

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Q: What branch of physics makes the most money I like theoretical physics too though so can you also say how much this branch makes?
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What are the sub-branches of physics and their definitions?

Classical PhysicsClassical Mechanics (Newtonian Mechanics)- study of motion and forces.Electromagnitism- Study of electricity and magnetism.Statistical Mechanics- Study of theoretical predictions on the behavior of macroscopic system based on statistical law that govern its component particles.Acoustics- Study of production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sounds.Thermodynamics- study of heat, temperature and energy.Optics- Study of nature, properties of light, and optical instruments.Modern PhysicsRelativity- Study of motion near the speed of light and space-time geometry.Quantum Mechanics- Study of motion of very small particles.Atomic Physics- Study of structure and behavior of atoms.Molecular Physics- Study of structure and behavior of moleculesParticle Physics (High-energy Physics)- Study of structure and behavior of subatomic and fundamental particles.Condensed Matter Physics- Study of properties of bulk matter such as solids and liquids.Astrophysics- study of the behavior, physical properties, and dynamis processes of celestial objects and phenomena.

What are the contribution of physics to technology?

Physics has greatly contributed to technology by providing the theoretical framework and principles that underpin many technological advancements. For example, knowledge of electromagnetism has led to the development of electronics and telecommunications devices. Understanding of thermodynamics has enabled the design of efficient engines and refrigeration systems. Additionally, quantum mechanics has paved the way for applications in computing, lasers, and medical imaging.

Relationship between physics and technology?

Physics provides the fundamental principles and theories that drive technological advancements. Technology applies these principles in practical ways to solve problems and improve our daily lives. The close relationship between physics and technology enables the development of new inventions and innovations that shape our modern world.

What is cos(22) in physics?

In physics, cosine function is used to determine the x-component of a vector. So cos(22) in physics would give you the x-component of a vector that makes an angle of 22 degrees with the positive x-axis.

Why did Albert Einstein win copley medal?

Albert Einstein won the Copley Medal in 1925 for his contributions to theoretical physics, specifically for his explanation of the photoelectric effect and his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. These contributions significantly advanced our understanding of light and paved the way for the development of quantum theory.

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What is theoretical theory?

A theoretical theory is a framework or set of principles that explains a phenomenon or makes predictions about the behavior of a system. It is developed through reasoning, observation, and logical inference rather than direct experimentation. Theoretical theories are used in various fields such as physics, sociology, and psychology to understand complex relationships and make sense of the world.

Branch that makes laws?

branch that makes laws

What branch of of government makes the law?

the legislatve branch makes the law

What branch of the government that makes laws?

There are three branches of the government that makes the law and they are LEGISLATIVE BRANCH,EXECUTIVE BRANCH,JUDICIAL BRANCH

What branch makes sure laws are legal?

The branch that makes sure laws are legal is the Ligislative Branch.

What branch of government makes the law?

the legislatve branch makes the law

Which branch makes your nations laws?

the legislative branch makes all the national laws

What has made Michio Kaku popular?

Michio Kaku, born January 24, 1947, is an American theoretical physicist, Professor of Theoretical Physics at City College of New York, a futurist, and communicator of the sciences. He has written several books and physics related topics and even makes frequent appearances on radio, television, and film. He has even written two New York Times best sellers and appeared on BBC, Discovery Channel and Science Channel.

What branch of the government makes laws?

legislativeThe Legislative branch of the government makes the laws.

What branch of government makes the laws?

The Legislative Branch.the legislative branch makes the laws

The _______________________ branch of government makes laws.?

The Legislative Branch.the legislative branch makes the laws

Which branch makes the laws?

The Legislative branch (Congress).