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Increasing angle of attack, increasing airspeed, and using airfoil shape optimized for lift can all change the velocity and pressure of air flow around a wing, ultimately increasing the amount of lift generated.

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Q: What are three major factors that can change the velocity and pressure of air flow around a wing and thus increase the amount of lift?
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What are the three major factors that can change the velocity and pressure of air flow around a wing and thus increase the amount of lift?


What determines the pressure on the low pressure side of the system?

The pressure on the low pressure side of a system is determined by factors such as the volume of the system, the amount of gas present, and the temperature. A decrease in volume or an increase in temperature can lead to an increase in pressure. Conversely, an increase in volume or a decrease in temperature can lead to a decrease in pressure on the low pressure side.

How velocity is related to pressure?

In fluid dynamics, velocity and pressure are related by Bernoulli's principle, which states that an increase in the speed of a fluid is accompanied by a decrease in pressure, and vice versa. This relationship helps explain how fluids move in systems such as pipes, channels, and wings of an aircraft.

What the two factors that determine the amount of kinetic energy in an object?

The two factors that determine the amount of kinetic energy in an object are its mass and its velocity. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to both the mass and the square of the velocity of an object.

It is possible to increase the amount of pressure by blank the area where force is applied?

It is possible to increase the amount of pressure by decreasing the area where force is applied. This is known as pressure magnification, where the same amount of force is spread over a smaller area, resulting in higher pressure.

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What are the three major factors that can change the velocity and pressure of air flow around a wing and thus increase the amount of lift?


If you increase force keeping the area the same what happens to pressure?

if force increaces and area stays the same then pressure

What are the three major factors that can change the speed and pressure of air flow around a wing and thus increase the amount of lift?


What determines the pressure on the low pressure side of the system?

The pressure on the low pressure side of a system is determined by factors such as the volume of the system, the amount of gas present, and the temperature. A decrease in volume or an increase in temperature can lead to an increase in pressure. Conversely, an increase in volume or a decrease in temperature can lead to a decrease in pressure on the low pressure side.

How velocity is related to pressure?

In fluid dynamics, velocity and pressure are related by Bernoulli's principle, which states that an increase in the speed of a fluid is accompanied by a decrease in pressure, and vice versa. This relationship helps explain how fluids move in systems such as pipes, channels, and wings of an aircraft.

What are different ways to manipulate air pressure?

Some ways to manipulate air pressure include using a pump to increase pressure in a closed system, releasing air to decrease pressure, using valves to control flow, and using compressors to create high pressure environments.

What happens to pressure if you increase the ATM?

If you increase the atmospheric pressure, the pressure will also increase. This is because atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of air above a certain point, so increasing the amount of air causes an increase in pressure.

What the two factors that determine the amount of kinetic energy in an object?

The two factors that determine the amount of kinetic energy in an object are its mass and its velocity. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to both the mass and the square of the velocity of an object.

What cause a greater amount of oxygen to dissolve in 100 g of water?

High pressure or low temperature will increase the amount of oxygen that dissolves in water. This is due to the physical properties of gases and their solubility in water being affected by these factors.

It is possible to increase the amount of pressure by blank the area where force is applied?

It is possible to increase the amount of pressure by decreasing the area where force is applied. This is known as pressure magnification, where the same amount of force is spread over a smaller area, resulting in higher pressure.

2. What are three major factors that can change the velocity and pressure of air flow around a wing and thus increase the amount of lift?

Angle of attack: Increasing the angle of attack of the wing can increase lift by creating more lift-producing airflow over the wing. Airspeed: Higher airspeed results in increased flow velocity over the wing, generating more lift. Aircraft weight: Lighter aircraft require less lift, while heavier aircraft need more lift, influencing the pressure and airflow around the wing.

It is possible to increase the amount of pressure by the amount of area where force is applied.?

The surface area