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Water because It is first solid its ice then when it melts it is liquid and when it is a gas its water vapor.

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1mo ago

Some examples of physical changes are changes in state (solid, liquid, gas), changes in shape or size, changes in color, changes in texture, and changes in temperature.

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Q: What are things that have physical changes?
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Are bateries chemical changes?

Yes. Chemical changes are changes in what things are made of, physical changes are changes of physical localization or state of matter ( liquid, solid, or gas)

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Not all physical changes are reversible. Some physical changes, such as breaking a glass or cutting a piece of paper, are irreversible because they result in a permanent change to the material's structure. Reversible changes, like melting ice or boiling water, are changes that can be easily reversed by altering the conditions.

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There are no physical changes. there are only chemical changes.

Identity the changes that occur among things as they grow and develop?

As things grow and develop, they undergo physical changes such as increasing in size, gaining new features, and developing new functions. There may also be changes in behavior, skills, and capabilities as they mature. Additionally, there can be changes in relationships with other things and in their impact on their environment.

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Changes in properties of matter are called?

physical or chemical changes.

Is fashioning a table leg from a piece of wood chemical or physical changes?

Fashioning a table leg from a piece of wood involves physical changes. The process of cutting and shaping the wood is a physical change as the composition of the wood itself remains the same, just the form and size are altered.

Physical changes in a substance results in?

Physical changes in a substance result in