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To start the oscillation with the constant amplitude, positive feedback is not the only sufficient condition. Oscillator circuit must satisfy the following two conditions known as Barkhausen conditions:

1. The first condition is that the magnitude of the loop gain (Aβ) must be unity. This means the product of gain of amplifier 'A' and the gain of feedback network 'β' has to be unity.

2. The second condition is that the phase shift around the loop must be 360° or 0°. This means, the phase shift through the amplifier and feedback network has to be 360° or 0°.

In practice, to obtain the sustained oscillations at desired frequency of oscillations, oscillator circuit must satisfy some of the basic requirements such as,

  • Circuit must have positive feedback
  • When positive feedback is used in the circuit, the overall circuit gain is given by,
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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

The three conditions for sine wave oscillations are: a source of energy to sustain the oscillations, an oscillating system with inertia, and a restoring force to bring the system back to equilibrium.

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Q: What are the three conditions for sine wave oscillations to be generated?
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The sine wave is the curve that naturally occurs when the restoring force is proportional to the displacement. The math is a little complicated (the sine wave in this case is the solution of the corresponding differential equation), but the point is, this relationship between the force and the displacement is a fairly common situation.

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