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Big doses of radio waves are thought to cause cancer and other serios disorders. People who live near by overhead poer cables claim that the low frequency field affects their health.

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9mo ago

Radiowaves can cause heating effects in tissues at high power levels, leading to burns and other thermal injuries. Prolonged exposure to high levels of radiowaves may also increase the risk of cancer. However, the levels of radiowave exposure from everyday sources like cell phones and Wi-Fi are considered safe.

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Radiowaves was created on 1997-09-16.

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Radiowaves have longer wavelengths than microwaves. Microwaves typically have wavelengths ranging from 1 millimeter to 1 meter, while radiowaves have wavelengths longer than 1 meter.

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No, sunlight and radiowaves are not compression waves. Sunlight consists of electromagnetic waves, while radiowaves are a type of electromagnetic wave in the radio frequency range. Compression waves are mechanical waves that require a medium to propagate, such as sound waves.

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