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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Genius, theoretical physicist, influential, revolutionary.

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Q: What are some words that describe Albert Einstein?
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What were Albert Einsteins last words in Germany?

Albert Einstein's last words in Germany were likely in German, his native language. While there is some debate and uncertainty surrounding his exact last words in Germany, it is believed that he spoke them before leaving for the United States in 1933, following the rise of the Nazi party. Einstein was a renowned physicist and his contributions to science are well-documented.

Why albert Einstein famous from Switzerland?

Albert Einstein was not from Switzerland; he was born in Germany. However, he spent some time living in Switzerland, where he obtained his academic education and worked as a patent examiner in Bern. Einstein's famous theory of relativity was developed during his time in Switzerland.

Does your brain contain atoms that were once part of Albert Einstein?

It's possible that some atoms in my brain were once part of Albert Einstein's body, as atoms are constantly recycled in the environment. However, the chances of any specific atoms in my brain having belonged to him are incredibly small.

Why was albert Einstein got expeled from school?

There is no evidence that Albert Einstein was expelled from school. In fact, he was an exceptional student with a keen interest in science and mathematics. Einstein struggled with some traditional teaching methods, but he excelled in his studies and eventually went on to make groundbreaking contributions to physics.

Who was the famous scientists in the 1900s?

Some famous scientists in the 1900s include Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and Niels Bohr. Einstein is known for his theory of relativity, Curie for her work on radioactivity, and Bohr for his contributions to quantum theory.

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What are some traits to describe Albert Einstein?


What are some things that describe albert Einstein?

smart, creative,imaginative

Who were some famous European Jews who found refuge overseas?

albert einstein

Did Albert Einstein have any failures?

=i am Albert Einstein so BETTER ask me lar some dummies who is asking=

What are some of Albert Einstein's interview questions?

What inspired you to pursue a career in physics? How did your theory of general relativity change our understanding of the universe? What advice do you have for aspiring scientists and researchers? What prompted you to speak out on social and political issues?

What were some of Albert Einstein's main goals?

some of many Albert Einstein's goals were to teach scientist what e=mc2 means and other things like that.

What is the common noun for Einstein?

Some common nouns for Albert Einstein are:civil servanthumanhusbandimmigrantlecturermanpersonphysicistprofessorscientist

What were some of albert Einstein's obstacles?

It Be Removed Sorry

Do Albert Einstein have some skills?

Yes. He was positive.

Was Albert Einstein funny?

Albert Einstein must have had some sort of humor. He was brilliant, and had a great imagination. There is a picture of him sticking his tongue out at a photographer.

Did Albert Einstein have any handicaps?

Some speculate that Albert Einstein had autism, or its milder form, a developmental disorder called Asperger's Syndrome.

Did Einstein have any children?

On May 14, 1904, Albert and Mileva's first son, Hans Albert Einstein, was born. Their second son, Eduard Einstein, was born on July 28, 1910. source: I think there is some dispute over whether he had a daughter or not. Some people think he had two daughters but this information is jet to be found out. Someone should look for a birth certificate for both of Albert Einstein's children.