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Light is what we usually think of when talking about electromagnetic waves, but in reality they include many other types or radiation, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, UV rays, X-rays, and even gamma rays.
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Electromagnetic waves are also called light waves or radiation.

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Q: What are electromagnetic waves also called?
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Energy that is transferred by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic what?

Energy transferred by electromagnetic waves is called radiation.

How do you use electromagnetic wave in a sentence?

Solar flares emit electromagnetic waves.The electromagnetic wave interrupted cellular phone communications.Satellites can be damaged by electromagnetic waves.

Waves made by vibrating charges that can travEl without a medium are called?

Electromagnetic waves.

What are Light Waves also called?

Light waves are also called electromagnetic waves. These waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that travel through space at the speed of light.

Electromagnetic waves that can travel though the vacuum of space is called what?

That would be electromagnetic waves.

What kinds of waves make up the electromagnetic spectrum?

Those are called electromagnetic waves.

The energy that is transferred by electromagnetic waves is called?

The energy that is transferred by electromagnetic waves is called radiant energy.

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Are electromagnetic waves that are felt as heat are called radio waves?

No, electromagnetic waves that are felt as heat are called infrared waves, not radio waves. Radio waves have lower frequencies and longer wavelengths than infrared waves.

Waves of electrical energy and magnetic energy are called?

They are called electromagnetic waves.

What is energy called by electromagnetic waves?

Energy carried by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic energy. These waves contain a mix of both electrical and magnetic fields, moving at the speed of light. Different types of electromagnetic waves include visible light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays.

An object that is a good radiator of electromagnetic waves is also a good?

An object that is a good radiator of electromagnetic waves is also a good source of energy (heat,light ...)