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Endothermic reactions require a net input of energy from their surroundings to proceed. These reactions absorb heat from their surroundings, resulting in a decrease in temperature of the surroundings.

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Q: WhAT reactions requires a net input of energy from its surroundings?
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Does endergonic give energy?

Endergonic reactions require energy input to proceed, as they involve the absorption of energy from the surroundings. The endergonic process stores this energy within the system for chemical reactions or other forms of energy utilization.

What reaction is characterized by a net absorption of energy?

An endothermic reaction is characterized by a net absorption of energy, where energy is taken in from the surroundings. This type of reaction requires heat input to proceed, and the products have higher energy than the reactants.

What process requires energy input?

Photosynthesis requires energy input in the form of sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

Are electrolysis reactions thermodynamically spontaneous?

Electrolysis reactions are not thermodynamically spontaneous and require an external source of energy to drive the reaction. This is because they involve the non-spontaneous process of breaking molecules into their constituent ions, which requires an input of energy.

How much energy must be transfered by heat to the engines surroundings if 2.5 kj is transfered by heat to the engine with 8.5 percent efficciency?

To find the energy transferred to the engine's surroundings, first calculate the energy input to the engine using the efficiency formula: Energy Input = Energy Output / Efficiency. Energy Input = 2.5 kJ / 0.085 = 29.41 kJ. Next, subtract the energy input from the energy output to find the energy transferred to the surroundings: Energy transferred to surroundings = Energy Input - Energy Output = 29.41 kJ - 2.5 kJ = 26.91 kJ.

Related questions

Which of these reactions requires a net input of energy from its surroundings?

An endergonic reaction requires a net input of energy from its surroundings. This is because the energy needed to drive the reaction forward is greater than the energy released during the reaction.

What is the term for the reactions that required energy input?

endothermic reactions

What term for reactions that require energy input?

Endothermic reactions require energy input to occur. The energy needed is absorbed from the surroundings, resulting in a decrease in temperature during the reaction.

Which type of reaction requires more activation energy?

Endothermic reactions typically require more activation energy compared to exothermic reactions. This is because in an endothermic reaction, energy is absorbed from the surroundings to break bonds and form new ones, which requires more energy input to overcome the activation barrier.

Why endothermic reactions cannot be spontaneous reactions?

Endothermic reactions require an input of energy to proceed, which means they do not occur spontaneously. Spontaneous reactions release energy to their surroundings, unlike endothermic reactions that absorb energy from the surroundings. Therefore, endothermic reactions cannot be spontaneous as they need an external energy source to drive the reaction forward.

Do endergonic reactions release energy?

No they do not. An endergonic reaction requires a net input of energy to force it to occur.

How do endothermic and ecothermic reactions differ?

Endothermic reactions absorb heat from the surroundings, causing a decrease in temperature, while exothermic reactions release heat into the surroundings, causing a temperature increase. Endothermic reactions require energy input to proceed, while exothermic reactions release energy during the reaction.

What type of reactions are considered uphill?

Reactions that require input of energy to proceed are considered uphill reactions. These reactions typically involve breaking of chemical bonds and are not spontaneous under normal conditions.

Do all reactions release energy?

No, not all reactions release energy. Some reactions require an input of energy to proceed, and these are called endothermic reactions. Endothermic reactions absorb heat from the surroundings rather than releasing it.

A reaction in which energy is taken in?

An endothermic reaction is one in which energy is taken in from the surroundings to drive the reaction. This type of reaction requires an input of energy to proceed. It often results in a decrease in temperature of the surroundings.

Does endergonic give energy?

Endergonic reactions require energy input to proceed, as they involve the absorption of energy from the surroundings. The endergonic process stores this energy within the system for chemical reactions or other forms of energy utilization.

How do chemical reactions that absorbs energy are called?

Endothermic reactions absorb energy in the form of heat from the surroundings. These reactions require energy input to proceed, usually resulting in a decrease in temperature in the immediate environment.