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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 1mo ago

At 2.7 days, half of the 800 atoms (400 atoms) would have decayed. At 8.1 days, three half-lives have passed, so only ( \frac{1}{2} \times \frac{1}{2} \times \frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{8} ) of the original sample remains. Therefore, there are 100 atoms of Au-198 remaining in the sample after 8.1 days.

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Q: The half-life of Au-198 is 2.7 days When there are 800 atoms of Au-198 in a sample a scientist starts a stopwatch The scientist stops the stopwatch at 8.1 days there are atoms of Au-198 re?
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Which instrument can be used to measure the time taken for the pendulum to make 20 oscillations?

A stopwatch or a timer can be used to measure the time taken for the pendulum to make 20 oscillations. Start the timer when the pendulum starts swinging and stop it when it completes 20 oscillations to determine the time elapsed.

What does a stop watch measure?

A stopwatch measures the elapsed time between when it starts and when it stops. It is commonly used to time events, races, or activities with precision.

What is difference between a mechanical stopwatch and an electronic stopwatch?

A mechanical stopwatch can measure a time interval of up to 0.1 seconds. It has a knob that is used to wind the spring that powers the watch. It can also be used as a start-stop and reset button. The watch starts when the knob is pressed once. The Electronic Stopwatch keeps time for an unlimited number of splits and registers 1/100th for the first 30 seconds, and 1 second . thereafter for up to 24 hours. It includes a programmable alarm, and displays the current date, time and month.

When the skydiver steps out of the helicopter someone who's watching starts a stopwatch. So the time is zero as the skydiver steps out of the plane. What is the skydiver's downward velocity at that?

At the moment the skydiver exits the helicopter, their downward velocity is initially zero. As they fall due to gravity, their velocity will increase over time.

How do you measure the time of one swing of a pendulum accurately consult?

To accurately measure the time of one swing of a pendulum, you can use a stopwatch or a timer with a high level of precision. Start the timer as the pendulum starts its swing and stop it as the pendulum reaches the other end of the swing. Repeat this process multiple times and calculate the average time to minimize errors.

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