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Energy = power X time. 800W X 120sec = 96000J

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1mo ago

The energy consumed by the toaster can be calculated using the formula: Energy = Power x Time. In this case, the power of the toaster is 800 watts, and the time it is used for is 2 minutes (or 120 seconds). Therefore, the energy consumed would be 800 watts x 120 seconds = 96000 joules.

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Q: How many joules does a 800 watt toaster consume in 2 minutes?
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How many watts does a toaster have?

Obviously depends on how many slots it has. The heating elements USE about 400 Watts per slot. So a conventional, average 2 slot toaster will consume 800Watts. This will vary depanding on make and how fast it toasts the bread, but this is a ball park figure.

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How many kwh a year does a toaster use?

That depends a LOT on its power rating, but especially on how many minutes you use it every day, on average. Look at your toaster - electrical equipment usually has a power rating. If a power rating in watt is not given, you can multiply volts x amperes. If it says something in watts, convert that to kilowatts. Make an estimate, how many hours you turn the toaster on in a year. Multiply the kilowatts x the number of hours.