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Gravity acts as a barrier and slows it down. However, if you say, jump of a building. When you fall gravity will speed you up and you'll be dead fast. When you fall your speed is about 78mph. But that depends on the height of the building and wind direction.

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4mo ago

Gravity affects the speed of an object by accelerating it as it falls towards the Earth. The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is approximately 9.8 m/s^2. This means that an object will increase in speed by 9.8 meters per second for every second it is in free fall.

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Q: How is speed affected by gravity?
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Does gravity have a constant speed?

Gravity does not have a speed itself since it is a force that acts instantaneously over a distance. The speed at which objects are affected by gravity, such as when falling towards Earth, is determined by their acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 near the Earth's surface.

Is length affected by gravity?

No, the length of an object is not affected by gravity. Gravity influences the weight of an object, but not its physical dimensions.

Is mass affected by gravity on earth and other planets?

No. Weight is affected by gravity.

Why is the acceleration of falling objects affected by gravity?

The acceleration of falling objects is affected by gravity because gravity is the force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth. As objects fall, they accelerate due to this gravitational force acting upon them, increasing their speed until they reach terminal velocity or the ground.

Which type of measurement is affected by gravity?

Weight is a type of measurement that is affected by gravity. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity, and will vary based on the strength of gravity at a specific location.

What affected by gravity the weight or the mass?

Weight is affected by gravity, while mass is not. Weight is the force exerted by gravity on an object, and it depends on the mass of the object and the strength of the gravity acting on it. Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and remains the same regardless of the gravitational field it is in.

What measurement is affected by gravity?

The weight of an object is the measurement that is affected by gravity. Gravity is what gives objects weight, causing them to be pulled downwards towards the Earth.

Does density of an object depend on the gravity of the object?

Density is not affected by gravity. Density is affected by mass and volume, such that density = mass/volume. Weight, but not mass, is affected by gravity. Weight and mass are not the same thing.

Is there an object affected by only gravity?

Yes, there is an object affected by only gravity. Stars and other floating space debris are only affected by gravity in space, as long as the objects do not touch each other.

When you put an object that is not affected by gravity in earths atmosphere will it appear moving fast or etc?

First of all, there's no such thing as an object that's not affected by gravity. But if there were ... Its motion after you let it go would continue in the same direction and at the same speed that it had when it left your hand. Or, to improve the discussion slightly, no matter what direction you launched the object, it would continue in the same direction, but its speed would gradually decrease because of air resistance ... friction with the air through which it's gliding. What's missing is the vertical acceleration that all real objects have because of gravity. Your perception of its motion isn't affected by the presence or absence of gravity. Its appearance only depends on its speed relative to you.

What effects the speed of a object?

Speed is relative to the speed of light and gravity. So gravity could effect speed.

Does the electromagnetic attraction of an electron to the nucleus of an atom strengthen when rotating faster like gravity?

Neither the electromagnetic or gravitational forces are affected by rotational speed.