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well since rory had the sonic screwdriver to open the pandorica then the doctor was out put his screwdriver in amys pocket to the future doctor knew what to do

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In "The Pandorica Opens" episode of Doctor Who, a future version of the Doctor gave the sonic screwdriver to Rory by tossing it to him before being sealed inside the Pandorica. This action laid the groundwork for Rory to use the device to release the Doctor from the Pandorica in the subsequent episode, "The Big Bang."

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Q: How did a future version of the Doctor give the sonic screwdriver to Rory if he was in the pandorica?
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How does the Doctor give River Song his screwdriver if it changed?

Your question isn't quite clear, but if you are referring to the screwdriver River has when she meets the Tenth Doctor: the Doctor from the future knew River was about to go to her death (remember they keep meeting out of order). He gave her his screwdriver because he knew his Tenth self would need it to save her. As for why it looks different, every time the sonic screwdriver is destroyed irreparably, the TARDIS presents him with a new one and sometimes the design changes. Improvement: I might know what you mean. River's screwdriver does look quite similar to the Tenth Doctor's blue one, as apposed to the Eleventh Doctor's green one. Which is a strange thing really, but I suppose that the future Doctor would have purposefully given River one that looked like the Tenth Doctor's, so it would make sense to the Tenth Doctor. WIBBLY WOBBLY TIMEY WIMEY!

Will Matt Smith be the last ever Doctor Who?

No the show will continue on with other Doctor's. The writers will find a way to work around the fact that a future version of 11 was killed.

Where can you buy the future sonic screwdriver?

i don't think you can buy it anywhere yet. but the sonic screwdriver app has it

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The only actor to play two forms of the Doctor in the 12 count regeneration cycle was David Tennant. Matt Smith who played the Doctor after Tennant even made a joke about how much vanity the previous doctor version had and had to repeat himself in his next regeneration. HOWEVER, no actor who has quit playing the Doctor has returned to play the role again. But with that being said, Tom Baker, who played the role of the 4th Doctor, did make an appearance on "The Day of the Doctor" and told Matt Smith's version of the Doctor that he might or might not be a future version of the Doctor "trying on familiar faces".

Were can you buy a Doctor Who future sonic screwdrivers in New Zealand?

not many sites sell the future sonic but there are a few.if you type in buy a doctor who future sonic you should find it

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