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capacitance, in electricity, capability of a body, system, circuit, or device for storing electric charge. Capacitance is expressed as the ratio of stored charge in coulombs to the impressed potential difference in volts. The resulting unit of capacitance is the farad [for Michael Faraday]. In an electric circuit the device designed to store charge is called a capacitor. An ideal capacitor, i.e., one having no resistance or inductance, may be spoken of as a capacitance. When an alternating current flows through a capacitor, the capacitor produces a reactance that resists the current (see impedance). While every element of a circuit has some capacitance, it is a goal of good design to reduce such unwanted or stray capacitance to a minimum.

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Capacitance is a measure of a component's ability to store electrical energy in an electric field formed between two conductive surfaces separated by an insulating material, known as a dielectric. It is determined by the size of the conductive surfaces, the distance between them, and the properties of the dielectric material. Capacitance is typically measured in farads (F) and is used to store and release electrical energy in electronic circuits.

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Q: Define capacitance with respect to physical structure and electrical function?
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What happens to capacitance if voltage is increased?

If voltage is increased, capacitance remains constant. Capacitance is determined by the physical properties of the capacitor, such as plate area, distance between plates, and permittivity of the material, and is not affected by changes in voltage applied across the capacitor.

What happens to the capacitance fi the charge on the plates of a capacitor is doubled?

If the charge on the plates of a capacitor is doubled, the capacitance remains the same. Capacitance is determined by the physical dimensions and properties of the capacitor, such as the area of the plates, the distance between them, and the material between them.

What is the difference between physical structure and logical structure of a disk?

Physical structure refers to the actual layout of data on the disk, including sectors, tracks, and cylinders. Logical structure refers to how the operating system organizes and accesses data on the disk, such as partitions, file systems, and directories.

What is the function of a physical connection medium?

A physical connection medium is used to physically transmit data between devices in a network. It provides a pathway for electrical or optical signals to travel from one device to another, ensuring reliable communication. The choice of connection medium can impact factors such as data transfer speed, distance limitations, and susceptibility to interference.

Why do most sensors have an electrical output regardless of the physical nature of the measured variable?

Most sensors have an electrical output because electrical signals are easy to transmit, process, and analyze in electronic systems. Converting physical measurements into electrical signals allows for easier integration with other electronic devices and systems for data processing and feedback control. Additionally, electrical signals are less prone to interference and noise compared to other types of signals.

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What is the difference between capacitor and capacitance?

A capacitor is a device that stores an electrical charge, or if you prefer- resists any change in voltage applied to it. Capacitance is a measure of the size or ability of a capacitor to do that. This is the Farad

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What is geophysics? or What is Earth Physics? A: The study of the internal structure of the Earth and its activities like seismography is called Geophysics.

How are structure and functions different?

Structure is the arrangement of parts in an organism,and function is the job the part does. Structure describes shape and physical construction. Function describes its utility. The structure of an umbrella is round and wide. Its function is to shield you from the rain.

Is structure and function the same thing?

Structure refers to the physical arrangement of parts or components, while function refers to the role or purpose that those parts or components serve. In many cases, the structure of an object or system is closely related to its function, as the design of the structure often influences how well it can perform its intended function.

What determines the enzyme's function?

Its composition and physical structure - this is determined by the DNA/RNA that coded for it.

What is the difference between structure and function and the relationship between them?

Structure refers to the physical characteristics or arrangement of components, while function refers to the purpose or role of those components. The relationship between structure and function is that the structure of an object or organism often determines its function - the way something is built or organized influences how it works or what it does. For example, the shape of a bird's wings is structured for flight, which is its function.

What happens to a capacitance if the plates have a charge that is doubled?

If the charge on the plates of a capacitor is doubled, the capacitance remains the same. However, the voltage across the capacitor will double, as given by the equation Q = CV, where Q is the charge, C is the capacitance, and V is the voltage.

What is the relationship between structure and function?

Structure refers to the physical form or arrangement of components within a system, while function refers to the role or purpose that system performs. In biological systems, structure often determines function, as the way molecules are arranged impacts their ability to carry out specific tasks. Understanding the relationship between structure and function is crucial in fields such as biology, chemistry, and engineering to design optimized systems.

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The word "body" can function as a noun. It typically refers to the physical structure of a person or animal.

In Biology structure is related to?

In biology, structure refers to the physical characteristics and arrangement of the components of an organism or cell. Structure is closely related to function, as the specific organization and shape of biological structures determine their roles and capabilities within an organism's body. Understanding the structure of molecules, cells, and organisms is essential for understanding how they function and interact in biological systems.

Is migration a physical structure or a behavior?

physical structure