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Natasha Sporer

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4w ago

The kinetic energy at the midway point of the fall would be equal to the initial potential energy it possessed when it was pushed off the bridge and had fallen halfway down, which is PE = mgh, where m is the mass (10 kg), g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height fallen (25 m). This potential energy would convert entirely into kinetic energy at that point.

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Q: A 10 kg rock is pushed off the edge of a bridge 50 meters above the ground. What was the kinetic energy of the rock at the midway point of its fall?
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How kinetic energy does a 4.0 kg ball sitting 2.0 meters off the ground have?

The ball has potential energy due to its position above the ground. To calculate its kinetic energy, we need more information such as its velocity or the forces acting on it.

A bob of mass of 0.18 kilograms is released from a height of 45 meters above the ground level. What is the value of the kinetic energy gained by the bob at the ground level?

The kinetic energy gained by the bob at ground level can be calculated using the principle of conservation of energy. The potential energy at the initial height is converted into kinetic energy at ground level. Thus, the kinetic energy gained by the bob at ground level is equal to the initial potential energy, which is calculated as mgh, where m is the mass of the bob (0.18 kg), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height (45 meters). Substituting these values, we find the kinetic energy gained to be 79.38 Joules.

A rock weighing 98 newtons is pushed off the edge of a bridge 50 meters above the ground. What was the kinetic energy of the rock at the midway point of its fall?

2,450 joules

Why 12.0 kg rock slides off the edge of a bridge and falls into the water 25.0 meters below. What is the kinetic energy of the rock just as it hits the water?

The gravitational potential energy of the rock at the edge of the bridge is converted to kinetic energy as it falls. Use the formula for gravitational potential energy (mgh) to find the potential energy at the top, then equate that energy to the kinetic energy (1/2 * m * v^2) just before impact to solve for the final velocity. Finally, use this velocity in the kinetic energy formula to calculate the kinetic energy just as it hits the water.

How do you calculate in kinetic energy just before it hits the ground with a 200 kilogram and is raised 10 meters above the ground?

You can calculate the kinetic energy just before hitting the ground using the formula for potential energy and kinetic energy. First, calculate the potential energy at the initial height using mgh (mass x gravity x height). Then equate this value to the kinetic energy just before hitting the ground using the formula 1/2mv^2 (0.5 x mass x velocity squared) and solve for the velocity.

Related questions

How kinetic energy does a 4.0 kg ball sitting 2.0 meters off the ground have?

The ball has potential energy due to its position above the ground. To calculate its kinetic energy, we need more information such as its velocity or the forces acting on it.

A cat with a mass of 4.50 kilograms sits on a ledge 0.800 meters above the ground If it jumps to the ground how much kinetic energy will it have just as it reaches the ground?

If a cat that has a mass of 4.50 kilograms sits on a ledge that is 0.800 meters above ground and it jumps down to the ground, it will have a specific amount of kinetic energy just as it reaches the ground. In this instance, the answer would be 35.3J.

A bob of mass of 0.18 kilograms is released from a height of 45 meters above the ground level. What is the value of the kinetic energy gained by the bob at the ground level?

The kinetic energy gained by the bob at ground level can be calculated using the principle of conservation of energy. The potential energy at the initial height is converted into kinetic energy at ground level. Thus, the kinetic energy gained by the bob at ground level is equal to the initial potential energy, which is calculated as mgh, where m is the mass of the bob (0.18 kg), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height (45 meters). Substituting these values, we find the kinetic energy gained to be 79.38 Joules.

A rock weighing 98 newtons is pushed off the edge of a bridge 50 meters above the ground. What was the kinetic energy of the rock at the midway point of its fall?

2,450 joules

If you have a 2kg pendulum bob that is 6 meters above the ground at its high point and 1 meter at its low point how can you figure the kinetic energy?

To calculate the kinetic energy of the pendulum bob at its lowest point, you need to know its speed at that point. This can be calculated using the law of conservation of energy, where the gravitational potential energy at the highest point is converted into kinetic energy at the lowest point. Once you have the speed of the bob at the lowest point, you can calculate its kinetic energy using the formula: KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the pendulum bob and v is its velocity at the lowest point.

How do you calculate in kinetic energy just before it hits the ground with a 200 kilogram and is raised 10 meters above the ground?

You can calculate the kinetic energy just before hitting the ground using the formula for potential energy and kinetic energy. First, calculate the potential energy at the initial height using mgh (mass x gravity x height). Then equate this value to the kinetic energy just before hitting the ground using the formula 1/2mv^2 (0.5 x mass x velocity squared) and solve for the velocity.

What if An apple with a mass of 0.95 kilograms hangs from a tree branch 3.0 meters above the ground. If it falls to the ground what is the kinetic energy of the apple just as it reaches the ground?

The potential energy of the apple while hanging is given by mgh, where m=0.95 kg, g=9.8 m/s^2, and h=3 m. At the moment it reaches the ground, all this potential energy will have converted to kinetic energy, thus the kinetic energy would be equal to the initial potential energy. Calculating mgh gives a potential energy of 27.93 J, which would be the kinetic energy just before hitting the ground.

Why 12.0 kg rock slides off the edge of a bridge and falls into the water 25.0 meters below. What is the kinetic energy of the rock just as it hits the water?

The gravitational potential energy of the rock at the edge of the bridge is converted to kinetic energy as it falls. Use the formula for gravitational potential energy (mgh) to find the potential energy at the top, then equate that energy to the kinetic energy (1/2 * m * v^2) just before impact to solve for the final velocity. Finally, use this velocity in the kinetic energy formula to calculate the kinetic energy just as it hits the water.

A 5kg object is being lifted to a height of 8 meters and is dropped what is the kinetic energy of the object at 2 m?

To find the kinetic energy of the object at 2 meters height, we need to consider the conservation of energy. At a height of 2 meters, the object will have potential energy of mgh = 5kg × 9.81m/s^2 × 2m = 98.1 Joules. Since no external work is being done on the object, this potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy. Thus, the kinetic energy of the object at 2 meters height will be 98.1 Joules.

Is a flower pot weighing 3 newtons sitting on a windowsill 30 meters from the ground potential or kinetic?

Potential Energy The object is not in movement.

A 10 kg rock is pushed off the edge of a bridge 50 meters above the ground. what was the kinetic energy of rock befor it began to fall?


A flowerpot falls from a ledge 50 m above the ground. compare the potential and kinetic energy when it is at 25 m above the ground to its original potential and kinetic energy?

When the flowerpot is at 25 m above the ground, it has half the potential energy compared to its original height of 50 m. At 25 m above the ground, the flowerpot has half the potential energy and half the kinetic energy compared to its original state just before falling.