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Persephone went into mourning after Persephone was kidnapped, and threatened that she would not let any crops grow until her daughter was returned to her. For a whole year, she kept the world from bearing food, particularly grain. A famine soon struck and Zeus, afraid that she would destroy humanity, sent Hermes to tell Hades to release Persephone.

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Zeus agreed to have Hermes bring Persephone back to her mother, Demeter, because he feared the consequences of Demeter's grief and the resulting devastation on Earth's fertility and crops. Demeter's anger had caused a harsh winter and threatened the well-being of mortals, so Zeus intervened to restore balance and harmony.

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Q: Why did Zeus finally agreed to have Hermes bring Persephone back to her mother?
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Was Persephone honest or a liar?

Persephone was honest. She was known for being loyal and true to those she cared about, especially to her mother Demeter and her husband Hades.

What does the myth of Persephone explain?

Persephone is the only daughter of Demeter (Ceres) the Goddess of the Harvest and Zeus. Hades, god of the underworld, loved Persephone's beauty and kidnapped her and brought her to the underworld. When Zeus had discovered what Hades had done, he sent Hermes to the underworld demanding Persephone were released. Hades obliged but insisted the Persephone eat a pomegranate seed before he left. Thinking nothing of it, she agreed not knowing it would force her to stay in the underworld. Zeus and Demeter were furious so they struck a deal with Hades letting her live half the year above the surface ans spend half of it below, with Hades. Whenever Persephone has to retreat back to the underworld, Demeter gets horribly depressed and refuses to let anything grow, hence fall and winter, and when she is back, Demeter is happy and spring and summer flourish.

What was the relationship between Persephone and Melinoe?

Persephone was the daughter of Demeter, while Melinoe was the daughter of Persephone and Zeus. This made Persephone Melinoe's mother. In some versions of Greek mythology, Melinoe was associated with ghosts and the underworld, reflecting her parentage as the daughter of Persephone, who was queen of the underworld.

Who did Persephone hang out with?

Persephone spent time with her mother, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. She was also often accompanied by Hades, the god of the Underworld, who abducted her and became her husband.

Did Persephone love Demeter?

Yes, in Greek mythology Persephone was the daughter of Demeter, and they shared a loving mother-daughter relationship. However, Persephone's abduction by Hades led to a period of separation that caused Demeter immense grief and sorrow.

Related questions

What is the story of Persephone and hades?

Hades abducted Persephone, Demeter her mother went in search of her and her duties were neglected and humans started to starve, then Demeter learned where Persephone was and demanded her daughter back and Zeus agreed so long as Persephone had not eaten or drank anything while in the Underworld, but she had; so Persephone spends half the year above the earth with her mother and half below with Hades her husband.

Where do the goddess Persephone live?

Persephone lived on Olympus before Hades abducted her and took her to his Underworld Kingdom. When her mother Demeter appealed for her daughter to be returned, Zeus took pity on her and ordered Hermes to bring her back to Olympus for half of the year, every year. Read more about this story in "Hermes the Olympian"

Who is Persephone's mother married?

Persephone's mother Demeter is not married.

Did Zeus trick Hades?

Yes, in some myths Zeus did trick Hades so that he could rescue Persephone from the Underworld. Zeus sent Hermes to retrieve Persephone from Hades, and Hades complied under Zeus' order. This allowed Persephone to return to the surface and be reunited with her mother Demeter.

Who is the father and mother of Persephone?

Persephone's father is Zeus. Her mother is Demeter.

Who was Hermes' mother?

Maia was his motherMaia

Who is the mom of Persephone?

Demeter is Persephone's mother.

Which god is the mother of Persephone?

The Greek goddess Demeter is Persephone's mother, or Styx is.

How did Demeter save Persephone?

It isn't really Demeter who saves Persephone, but Zeus. After Persephone is abducted by Hades, Demeter (the goddess of the harvest, and mother of Persephone), begins to neglect her duties. Humans begin to go hungry, so Zeus sends Hermes to the underworld, to talk to Hades. (Hades gives Persephone back, but she has eaten in the underworld and must return for a period each year. This myth explains the winter.)

Did Demeter save Persephone?

It isn't really Demeter who saves Persephone, but Zeus. After Persephone is abducted by Hades, Demeter (the goddess of the harvest, and mother of Persephone), begins to neglect her duties. Humans begin to go hungry, so Zeus sends Hermes to the underworld, to talk to Hades. (Hades gives Persephone back, but she has eaten in the underworld and must return for a period each year. This myth explains the winter.)

Who were Persephone's allies?

Persephone's allies included her mother Demeter, who was a powerful goddess of agriculture and fertility, as well as her husband Hades, the god of the underworld. Additionally, Persephone was often associated with other deities such as Hermes, who facilitated communications between the underworld and the upper world.

How is Persephone associated with pomegranates?

when Persephone was captured by hades( god of the underworld), her mother weeps for her none stop. So she asked Zeus to get Persephone back for her, so Zeus sent Hermes to the underworld to retrieve Persephone. When he told Hades about Zeus's order, Hades then said to take her, but before she left he gave her a pomegranate to eat. He ended up tricking her because for the number of seed she ate she would stay in the underworld with Hades for that number of months and the rest of the months she would go back to her mother. That is why when Persephone is in the underworld, her mother weeps and nothing grows, but when she comes to her mother at home her mother is happy and everything is bountiful and grows. Just like winter and summer.