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Polyphemus hates nobody more than he hates Odysseus. Odysseus blinded Polyphemus, so the Cyclops holds a deep grudge against him.

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Q: Who does Polyphemus hate more than Odysseus?
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Why does Odysseus blind polyphemus rather than kill him?

Blinding Polyphemus allows Odysseus and his men to escape from the cave without being detected by Polyphemus. Killing him would have likely alerted the other Cyclopes and made their escape more difficult. Additionally, blinding him adds an extra layer of humiliation and revenge for the harm Polyphemus inflicted on Odysseus and his crew.

Why does odysseus not kill polyphemus?

Odysseus doesn't kill Polyphemus immediately because he needs him to move the giant's boulder from the entrance of his cave. Additionally, Odysseus hopes to escape being eaten by the cyclops and believes he has a better chance of surviving if he outwits Polyphemus rather than confronting him directly.

What details of this speech show that Polyphemus is far less clever than Odysseus?

Polyphemus is easily outwitted by Odysseus when the latter tricks him by giving a false name ("Nobody"). Additionally, Polyphemus falls for Odysseus' plan by believing that the sheep in his flock are actually his men escaping. Lastly, his boastfulness and lack of insight make him vulnerable to Odysseus' cunning tactics.

What are two situations in which Odysseus 'sbrain power was better than polyphemus's?

One example is when Odysseus outsmarted Polyphemus by devising a plan to escape from his cave by blinding him and then hiding under the sheep to leave undetected. Another example is when Odysseus tricked Polyphemus by giving him a false name, leading the Cyclops to underestimate him and not see through his deception.

Why does Odysseus not leave the cave of polyphemus when his men ask?

Odysseus does not leave the cave of Polyphemus when his men ask because he wants to see if the cyclops will offer them hospitality, as is the custom in Greek culture. He also wants to test the strength of the cyclops, believing that only he has the power to move the boulder blocking the entrance. Additionally, Odysseus hopes to outwit and defeat Polyphemus rather than flee.

Related questions

Why does Odysseus blind polyphemus rather than kill him?

Blinding Polyphemus allows Odysseus and his men to escape from the cave without being detected by Polyphemus. Killing him would have likely alerted the other Cyclopes and made their escape more difficult. Additionally, blinding him adds an extra layer of humiliation and revenge for the harm Polyphemus inflicted on Odysseus and his crew.

Why does odysseus not kill polyphemus?

Odysseus doesn't kill Polyphemus immediately because he needs him to move the giant's boulder from the entrance of his cave. Additionally, Odysseus hopes to escape being eaten by the cyclops and believes he has a better chance of surviving if he outwits Polyphemus rather than confronting him directly.

Why despite the wizards prediction is polyphemus surprised by Odysseus?

Odysseus is a much smaller man than he expected (surprised by his power)

What details of this speech show that Polyphemus is far less clever than Odysseus?

Polyphemus is easily outwitted by Odysseus when the latter tricks him by giving a false name ("Nobody"). Additionally, Polyphemus falls for Odysseus' plan by believing that the sheep in his flock are actually his men escaping. Lastly, his boastfulness and lack of insight make him vulnerable to Odysseus' cunning tactics.

What are two situations in which Odysseus 'sbrain power was better than polyphemus's?

One example is when Odysseus outsmarted Polyphemus by devising a plan to escape from his cave by blinding him and then hiding under the sheep to leave undetected. Another example is when Odysseus tricked Polyphemus by giving him a false name, leading the Cyclops to underestimate him and not see through his deception.

What does Odysseus say to taunt the Cyclops?

Odysseus taunts the Cyclops by revealing his real name, claiming that he will tell others about the Cyclops's hostile actions and cruelty, and suggesting that the Cyclops is weaker than expected because of his defeat.

Why does Odysseus not leave the cave of polyphemus when his men ask?

Odysseus does not leave the cave of Polyphemus when his men ask because he wants to see if the cyclops will offer them hospitality, as is the custom in Greek culture. He also wants to test the strength of the cyclops, believing that only he has the power to move the boulder blocking the entrance. Additionally, Odysseus hopes to outwit and defeat Polyphemus rather than flee.

Do you consider polyphemus a villain?

Polyphemus is often portrayed as a villain in Greek mythology due to his violent and aggressive actions towards Odysseus and his crew in Homer's "The Odyssey." He is depicted as a one-eyed cyclops who eats humans and imprisons Odysseus and his men in his cave. However, some interpretations suggest that Polyphemus's behavior is a result of his ignorance and lack of exposure to civilization rather than inherent evil.

What was the name of the one-eyed giant in greek mythology?

Tycicon or cyclops later in the mid ages The name Tycicon refers to the race of one-eyed giants in Greek Mythology; the plural is Tycicones. The Tycicon that Odysseus met was named Polyphemus.

What do Odysseus and his men do to Polyphemus the Cyclops before they escape?

Gets him drunkOdysseus gets Polyphemus drunk on wine, so much so that Polyphemus falls into a deep sleep.Pokes out his eyeWhen Polyphemus has fallen asleep, Odysseus and his men grab a large burning log, and wrap leather around the end. They thrust the burning log into the Cyclops Polyphemus' eye, at the same time pulling the leather around the log so that the flaming log burrows like a screw into his eye. This blinds Polyphemus and causes him to bleed profusely.Makes him look like a foolOdysseus earlier tricks Polyphemus by saying his name is No Man, or Nobody. After having his eye gouged, Polyphemus cries out for help saying "Nobody is hurting me!", making the other Cyclops laugh at Polyphemus' ridiculousness.Taunts himAs Odysseus and his crew are escaping, Odysseus taunts Polyphemus, revealing his true name.

What is Polyphemus' occupation?

Polyphemus is a Cyclops in Greek mythology and does not have a specific occupation given in traditional sources. He is most famously known for being a shepherd, tending to his flocks on the island where Odysseus encountered him in Homer's "Odyssey."

What does the Cyclops do that puts Odysseus and his men in danger?

I'd say the obvious thing is that Polyphemus trapped Odysseus and his men in his cave and threatened to eat them. Other than that Odysseus' cleverness protects them fromanything else Polyphemus tries to do. He was rash when he shouted out his real name to the cyclops though as Polyphemus' father is Poseidon and he calls upon him to avenge his blindness.