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When the disguised Odysseus enters the hall, the suitors treat him poorly, mocking and insulting him. They show their disrespect by belittling his appearance and challenging him to various trials of strength and skill, unaware of his true identity.

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Q: When the disguised Odysseus enters the hall the suitors?
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How many suitors must Odysseus face in his hall?

Odysseus must face 108 suitors in his hall upon his return to Ithaca. These suitors have been pursuing his wife, Penelope, and causing trouble in his absence.

What does eurymachus ask of Odysseus?

Eurymachus asks Odysseus to spare his life during the confrontation in the hall, offering to repay him for any wrongdoings and pleading for mercy.

How does the hall of mirrors resemble of absolutism?

The Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles symbolizes the power and wealth of absolutism through its grandeur, opulence, and use of mirrors to reflect light and create a sense of infinity. The mirrors were a sign of luxury and were expensive to produce, demonstrating the wealth and extravagance of the monarchy. The Hall of Mirrors also served as a space for ceremonies and events that showcased the monarch's authority and centralized power.

What is house prefect?

A house prefect is a student who is selected or elected to assist in the management and leadership of a school house or residence hall. They typically have responsibilities such as enforcing rules, organizing activities, and supporting the well-being of other students living in the house or hall.

How do you write a manifesto as adinning hall prefect?

To write a manifesto as a dining hall prefect, outline your vision for improving the dining experience by addressing key issues such as food quality, menu variety, dietary accommodations, and dining hall cleanliness. Include specific goals, action plans, and ways to gather feedback from students to ensure your manifesto is student-focused and achievable. End with a call to action encouraging students to support you in creating a better dining hall experience.

Related questions

WHERE does Odysseus fight off the suitors?

Odysseus kills the suitors in the Great Hall in his palace.

How many suitors must Odysseus face in his hall?

Odysseus must face 108 suitors in his hall upon his return to Ithaca. These suitors have been pursuing his wife, Penelope, and causing trouble in his absence.

How is Odysseus dressed when he enters the Hall?

like my d i c k.

What must Odysseus do after he arrives home from his 20 year journey?

Odysseus returns to the island of Ithaca to hear that his house was plagued with many suitors, demanding Penelope in marriage. Therefore, he disguises himself as a beggar, and enters the estate. He enters the hut of the swineherd, Eumaeus, one of the few honest servants left on his kingdom. He still has no idea who Odysseus is, and meanwhile Telemachus approaches. He, Odysseus' son, has been gone from Ithaca for a year, and came back when Athena warned him about the suitors. When they meet, Telemachus too has no idea who Odysseus is. When Athena reveals his identity, Telemachus and Odysseus weep and embrace each other. After that, Telemachus, the swineherd and Odysseus meet Penelope, who embraces Telemachus Odysseus' old dog is the only one in the hall who recognizes him, and Penelope, after hearing the beggar has news about Odysseus, wants to learn more. During a late night chat between the two, Penelope orders Eurycleia to wash Odysseus' feet-a sign of respect-for the beggar had brought news that Odysseus was coming home now. However, Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus, and he quickly swears her to secrecy. The next day, Penelope decides to test the suitors by handing them Odysseus' massive bow. Many try to string it, but not a single one can't. While this progresses, Odysseus has sneaked out and followed the swineherd and the cowherd. When he reveals his identity, both men embrace him, but he quickly tells him a plan he had thought of. Odysseus enters the hall where the suitors are being attempted. The suitors complain, but Penelope allows him to test himself (Penelope still does not know his identity). The swineherd and cowherd removed Penelope and the maids from the hall, and previously Telemachus stripped the room of arms. For brevity, all four of them slay the suitors and kill the unfaithful servants. After that, Odysseus' identity is revealed Penelope. Suspecting a trick, she decides to test Odysseus. I tried to be as concise as possible, I hope you got the important facts over this.

What planning does Odysseus do before battling the suitors?

Before battling the suitors, Odysseus plans with his son Telemachus and loyal servants to ensure they have the upper hand. He devises a strategy to remove the weapons from the hall where the suitors are gathered, while also keeping his identity hidden until the right moment to reveal himself and strike. Odysseus also seeks help from Athena to aid him in defeating the suitors.

Who scorns Odysseus for the second time when she sees him in the great hall?

Antinous, one of the suitors, scorns Odysseus when he sees him in the great hall of his home. Antinous insults Odysseus and throws a stool at him, displaying his disrespectful and arrogant behavior towards the returning king.

What is Penelope's reaction to the events that occur in the hall?

Penelope initially shows surprise and confusion at the events in the hall, particularly Odysseus' return and his demonstration of the suitors. As she processes what is happening, she becomes cautious and reserved, testing Odysseus to ensure he is truly her husband before fully embracing him.

What did Telemachus do after Odysseus shot the arrow and it passed through the axes?

After the arrow shot by Odysseus passed through the axes, Telemachus took charge of the situation and removed the weapons from the Great Hall. He then ordered the disloyal maidservants to clean the Hall and dispose of the bodies. Finally, he continued to assist his father in the subsequent battle against the suitors.

What does telemachus do at the end of book two?

After Telemachus gave a speech in the dining hall, the next day he called together a meeting of the island's council, and formally lodged his complaints against the suitors. He then went sailing to find news of his father Odysseus.

What is unusual about the animals in circes hall?

The animals in Circe's hall are Odysseus's men.

As Odysseus and Eumaeus approach the hall of Odysseus who do they decide should go in first?


What is the climax of The Odyssey?

The climax of "The Odyssey" is when Odysseus finally returns home to Ithaca, defeats the suitors who have been vying for his wife Penelope's hand, and reveals his true identity to his son Telemachus. This moment marks the resolution of the main conflict in the story and Odysseus' journey to reclaim his home and family.