Socrates' full name was Socrates of Athens.
panothes turam Socrates
Socrates' full name was Socrates of Athens.
The complete name of Socrates is Socrates of Athens.
Socrates' full name was Socrates of Athens.
Plato gave Socrates the title of the smartest philosopher.
Socrates' full name was Socrates of Athens.
panothes turam Socrates
Socrates' full name was Socrates of Athens.
The complete name of Socrates is Socrates of Athens.
Socrates' full name was Socrates of Athens.
No, Socrates is not single.
Socrates lived in ancient Greece.
Socrates was Plato's Teacher. Plato was Socrates' most prized student. After Socrates' death, Plato began to write accounts of Socrates' dialogues.(sorry for the basic answer, i don't know how much detail you wanted).~element
Socrates Ballis's birth name is Socrates Emmanuel Ballis.
Socrates primarily communicated in Ancient Greek.