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Anthony 0w0

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4mo ago

Edward Abbey uses the logical fallacy of false dichotomy when he argues that we must choose between preserving nature as is or destroying it for human progress. This oversimplified view ignores the possibility of finding a balance between conservation and development. Abbey presents an either-or scenario that fails to consider alternative solutions.

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What is a body of a essay?

The body of an essay is the main portion of the writing that elaborates on the thesis statement and provides supporting evidence, examples, and analysis to strengthen the argument or main idea. It typically consists of multiple paragraphs that develop the topic and present the writer's ideas in a logical and organized manner. Each paragraph within the body should focus on a specific point or aspect related to the overall argument.

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Aristotle defined democracy as a system of government where power is vested in the hands of the people as a whole, or in a significant portion of them, through a voting process to make decisions for the common good.

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The eight rays of the sun represent the first eight provinces which rebelled against Spain. Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna and Batangas. The three stars represent the three main geographical areas: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The white stands for equality and fraternity. The blue portion stands for peace and justice. The red portion stands for courage.

Who did Andrew carnegie believe?

Andrew Carnegie believed in the concept of the "Gospel of Wealth," which argued that wealthy individuals had a moral obligation to use their fortunes to benefit society. He believed in philanthropy and donated a significant portion of his wealth to causes such as education and the arts.

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Yes, Chinese workers played a significant role in building the transcontinental railroad in the United States. They made up a large portion of the labor force, particularly on the western portion of the railroad, facing harsh working conditions and discrimination. Their contributions were crucial to the completion of the project.

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