The male version of the name Sophia is... drumroll... Sophus. Yep, that's right, Sophus. So if you ever come across a guy named Sophus, just remember he's the manly counterpart to Sophia.
The name Sophia is derived from the Greek word for "wisdom." It is a popular name worldwide and is often associated with qualities such as intelligence, insight, and knowledge.
The name Sophia means "wisdom" in Greek. It is a popular name that has been used for centuries and is often associated with qualities such as intelligence and insight.
Sophia is translated as "Sophie" in French. It is a common name for girls in France.
It is estimated that around 24,000 girls are named Sophia each year in the United States, making it a popular name.
Sophia is the name of a common female first name used in many countries around the world, including the United States, Germany, Italy, and Russia. Therefore, it is not tied to a specific country.
The male version of the name Cecilia is Cecil.
Marwa is a female name. The male version of the name is Marwan.
IA's male version is IO.
Dennis is a male name. Its pronounced den-ih-s. The female version is Denise. This is pronounced duh-knee-ss.
female. the male version would be Eduardo.
Both - Sam is a short version of Samuel (male) or Samantha (female).
It's the name of the tank in Blaster Master. However, in the original Japanese version of Blaster Master (Chou Wakusei Senki: Metafight), Sophia III is actually the name of the planet the story is set on.
Candide and Candidus.
Sophia Romma's birth name is Sophia Murashkovsky.