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deductive reasoning

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2mo ago

That type of argument is known as deductive reasoning. It involves drawing a specific conclusion based on a general premise or set of premises.

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Q: What is an argument known as that starts from a more general idea to reach a more specific conclusion?
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What is an argument that starts from a specific idea to a general conclusion?


What is An argument that starts from a general idea to reach a more specific conclusion?

A deductive argument starts from a general principle or premise and uses it to logically conclude a more specific statement. This type of argument moves from the general to the specific, showing how the premise leads to a certain conclusion through valid reasoning.

What type of argument starts from a more general idea to reach a more specific conclusion?

A deductive argument starts from a more general idea to reach a more specific conclusion. It involves moving from a premise that is universally accepted to a specific conclusion that logically follows from that premise.

What is a argument that starts from a specific idea to reach a general conclusion?


What is an argument that starts from a specific idea to reach a genral conclusion?

An argument that starts from a specific idea to reach a general conclusion is known as inductive reasoning. In this type of reasoning, specific observations or data points are used to draw a broader conclusion that is considered probable, but not necessarily definitive. Inductive reasoning allows for the generalization of patterns or trends based on specific instances.

What is a type of argument that starts from a specific idea then reaches a conclusion?

inductive reasoning

An argument that starts from a more specific idea to reach a more general conclusion is known as .?


How do you formulate a deductive or inductive argument?

For a deductive argument, you start with a general premise and apply it to a specific case to reach a certain conclusion. In contrast, an inductive argument begins with specific observations and generalizes to a broader theory or principle. Both types aim to support a conclusion with appropriate reasoning and logic.

An argument that starts from a more specific idea to reach a more general conclusion is known as?


What kind of reasoning moves from general to specific facts in order to reach conclusion?

Deductive reasoning moves from general premises to specific conclusions. This type of reasoning starts with a hypothesis or theory and tests it against evidence to reach a logical conclusion.

Why is the passage an example of inductive reasoning?

The passage is an example of inductive reasoning because it starts with specific observations or patterns (the data) about a few individuals (the swans observed) and then draws a general conclusion (all swans are white) based on these observations. Inductive reasoning uses specific instances to make generalizations or predictions.

What is deductive explanation?

Deductive explanation is a process of reasoning that starts with general principles or premises and applies them to specific situations to arrive at a conclusion. It involves drawing logical inferences to demonstrate how the premises necessarily lead to the conclusion. It is a top-down approach that aims to demonstrate the validity of a conclusion based on the truth of the premises.