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Not many for sure.

There is one he discussed, in his work titled De Anima(On the Soul). In Book II, Chapter 7, he discusses the role of light and the ability of humans to see color. He suggests what he calls "the following experiment", in his own words given as, "if what has color is placed in immediate contact with the eye, it cannot be seen".

Now, it is not suggested that anyone try to repeat this experiment, because you can damage the eye by placing something in contact with it. The point Aristotle was making is that, some medium that carries light such as air must be between the eye and the color object if the eye is to see color. He then proposed an experiment that could be used to test his claim.

However, for the most part, the scientific approach of Aristotle did not include experiments.

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Aristotle was a noted philosopher and scientist who conducted experiments in various fields such as Biology, zoology, and physics. Some of his experiments explored topics like animal anatomy, reproduction, and motion of objects. However, many of his findings were based more on observation and deduction rather than controlled experimentation.

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Aristotle argued that good conduct is virtuous conduct and virtue resides in aiming?

Aristotle believed that good conduct is virtuous conduct because it involves actively choosing and aiming for what is morally right. He argued that virtue is a habit of behaving in a way that leads to the well-being and flourishing of the individual. The key to developing virtue, according to Aristotle, is to consistently aim for the mean between excess and deficiency in one's actions.

Did Aristotle use experiments or scientific tools to study matter?

No, Aristotle did not use experiments or scientific tools to study matter. Instead, he relied on logic, observation, and philosophical reasoning to develop his theories on natural philosophy.

Was Aristotle's work scientific?

Yes, Aristotle's work is considered scientific in the sense that it involved systematic observation, classification, and analysis of natural phenomena. However, his approach to science was based more on philosophical principles and logic rather than experimentation and empirical evidence, which differs from modern scientific methods.

What idea of Aristotle's was later proved incorrect?

One idea of Aristotle's that was later proved incorrect is his belief that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. This was disproven by Galileo's experiments with falling objects.

What Greek philosopher believed good conduct meant pursuing the Golden mean?

The Greek philosopher who believed in pursuing the Golden Mean as a path to good conduct was Aristotle. He argued that moral virtue is found as a balance between two extremes, and that individuals should seek moderation in all things.

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Aristotle argued that good conduct is virtuous conduct and virtue resides in aiming?

Aristotle believed that good conduct is virtuous conduct because it involves actively choosing and aiming for what is morally right. He argued that virtue is a habit of behaving in a way that leads to the well-being and flourishing of the individual. The key to developing virtue, according to Aristotle, is to consistently aim for the mean between excess and deficiency in one's actions.

Did Aristotle use experiments or scientific tools to study matter?

No, Aristotle did not use experiments or scientific tools to study matter. Instead, he relied on logic, observation, and philosophical reasoning to develop his theories on natural philosophy.

Why do people and scientists conduct experiments?

to eat yu

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Robert Boyle conducted his experiments in the supreme court or at his science lab

Who used experiments to and scientific tools to study matter John Dalton Aristotle or Democritus?

John Dalton used experiments and scientific tools to study matter. Aristotle and Democritus did not use such methods in their studies of matter.

What is a workshop in space for scientists to conduct experiments?

space lab

What kind of experiments do astronauts conduct on the space station?

Most experiments conducted are medical experiments, but fluid mechanics experiments, various experiments involving weightlessness, and testing of new technologies are also conducted.

Why do scientists conduct multiple experiments instead of relying on one?

so it can be more accurate that's why they conduct multiple experiments and if you just rely on one you have a better chance of getting it wrong

What are the origins of animal testing?

Aristotle and Erasistratus were among the first to perform experiments on living animals.

Who believed good conduct meant pursuing the golden mean?

Aristotle believed good conduct meant pursuing the Golden mean.

Why was Aristotle's work not consisdered to be good science?

Aristotle carried out thought experiments and did not actually test the ideas he came up with. In other words, he did not use the scientific method.