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It means one should always stay inside the limits defined by morality (i.e one should be moral).

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This quote refers to the arbitrary process of determining what is and is not moral. With this quote, Oscar Wilde is suggesting that something might be considered morally wrong, for example, simply because someone decided it is wrong (and thus drew a metaphorical line). He compares this arbitrary process to art to imply that neither art nor morality requires logic.

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This quote by Oscar Wilde suggests that morality, like art, is subjective and individualistic. It implies that both require setting personal boundaries or limits, as what is considered moral or artistic varies from person to person.

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Q: What does this quote mean Morality like art means drawing a line someplace?
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Did Nikola Tesla believe in morality?

Yes, Nikola Tesla believed in morality and ethics. He held strong principles on integrity, honesty, and conducting oneself ethically in all aspects of life. Tesla believed that science and technology should be used for the betterment of humanity and that moral values were essential in guiding one's actions.

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The quote "Assume a virtue if you have it not" means that if you don't naturally possess a certain quality or virtue, you should still try to act as if you do. This can lead to the development of that virtue through practice and habit, ultimately becoming a part of your character.

Based on the quote on this page how would you describe olaudah equianos opinion of slavery?

Olaudah Equiano's opinion of slavery is vehemently against it. He describes it as a dehumanizing and brutal institution that is contrary to basic human rights and morality. Through his personal experiences as a former slave, he advocates for the abolition of slavery and highlights the inhumanity of the practice.

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