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a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right wing views

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"Fascist" refers to a political ideology or system characterized by authoritarian control, nationalism, and often racist or xenophobic beliefs. Fascist regimes typically centralize power, suppress opposition, and prioritize the state over individual rights.

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How do you spell facsist?

fascist. The "s" comes before the "c".

Was Mussolini's Italy totalitarian?

yeah during WWII

Who as the facsist leader?

arguable. Benito Mussolini was the first in power, but Hitler was the leader.

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Franco was a Spanish facsist who tried to instate a Facsist government in Spain. His forces attempted the takeover in the 1930s in what is known as the Spanish Civil War. The only country to fight with the Spanish democratic government was the Soviet Union.

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Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini Il DUce Founded the Facsist political party.

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It is someone who agrees with the beliefs of fascism. In other words; someone who believes that their governmental system should be led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, etc. And I'm sure you can see where the "pig" part comes in. Hope I could be of some help.

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Take a look at the true story of Ezra Pound (Influential U.S. Poet/Writer who became a facsist sympathizer and radio broadcaster in Italy during WW2) His rise and fall is similar to "Mother Night" character on many levels.

What was one major similarity between the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin and Fascist Italy under Benito Mussolini?

Answer this question… Both countries used propaganda to influence citizens' beliefs.

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you mean what you mean

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.