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Odysseus proves his identity to the swineherd by showing him a scar on his thigh that he received while hunting as a young man. This scar was known only to a few people, so its presence helps convince the swineherd that Odysseus is indeed who he claims to be.

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Q: What does Odysseus do to convince the swineherd that Odysseus is coming back?
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What does Odysseus do to convince the swineherd that Odysseus is coming back Select all that apply.?

Odysseus convinces the swineherd that he is coming back by correctly describing the clothing he will wear upon his return, and by sharing personal details and memories that only he would know. He also tests the swineherd's loyalty and trust by revealing his true identity at the right moment.

Who told Penelope that Odysseus was coming back?

No one did- Penelope ran a series of tests to identify Odysseus.

Where does Odysseus show confidence in the odyssey?

One instance when Odysseus showed a great amount of confidence is when he had the encounter with the sorceress. Odysseus managed to convince the sorceress to return his men to him and change them from pigs back into soldiers.

What do others say about Odysseus?

Most people thought Odysseus had died coming back from Troy, until he appeared in Ithaca before the suitors. They say Odysseus is wily, and a godlike warrior.

What must Odysseus do after he arrives home from his 20 year journey?

Odysseus returns to the island of Ithaca to hear that his house was plagued with many suitors, demanding Penelope in marriage. Therefore, he disguises himself as a beggar, and enters the estate. He enters the hut of the swineherd, Eumaeus, one of the few honest servants left on his kingdom. He still has no idea who Odysseus is, and meanwhile Telemachus approaches. He, Odysseus' son, has been gone from Ithaca for a year, and came back when Athena warned him about the suitors. When they meet, Telemachus too has no idea who Odysseus is. When Athena reveals his identity, Telemachus and Odysseus weep and embrace each other. After that, Telemachus, the swineherd and Odysseus meet Penelope, who embraces Telemachus Odysseus' old dog is the only one in the hall who recognizes him, and Penelope, after hearing the beggar has news about Odysseus, wants to learn more. During a late night chat between the two, Penelope orders Eurycleia to wash Odysseus' feet-a sign of respect-for the beggar had brought news that Odysseus was coming home now. However, Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus, and he quickly swears her to secrecy. The next day, Penelope decides to test the suitors by handing them Odysseus' massive bow. Many try to string it, but not a single one can't. While this progresses, Odysseus has sneaked out and followed the swineherd and the cowherd. When he reveals his identity, both men embrace him, but he quickly tells him a plan he had thought of. Odysseus enters the hall where the suitors are being attempted. The suitors complain, but Penelope allows him to test himself (Penelope still does not know his identity). The swineherd and cowherd removed Penelope and the maids from the hall, and previously Telemachus stripped the room of arms. For brevity, all four of them slay the suitors and kill the unfaithful servants. After that, Odysseus' identity is revealed Penelope. Suspecting a trick, she decides to test Odysseus. I tried to be as concise as possible, I hope you got the important facts over this.

Where does the beggar say Odysseus is?

Odysseus disguised as the beggar tells Penelope that Odysseus was with the Thesprotians gathering treasure, but that he has gone to Dodona to determine's Zeus' high mind. Odysseus says that Odysseus has lost all his crew on the Thrinacian island, but has himself survived and will be coming back to Ithaca soon.

Why does the cyclops invite Odysseus back?

He does not invite Odysseus back to the island.

How does Odysseus defeat Circe?

Odysseus defeats Circe by following the instructions given to him by Hermes, the messenger god. Hermes tells Odysseus to eat a special herb called moly to protect himself from Circe's magic. With this protection, Odysseus is able to resist Circe's spells and convince her to free his men and help them on their journey back home.

What does Odysseus tell Polyphemus as they are sailing away?

When Odysseus is sailing away, he reveals his true name while taunting the cyclops Polyphemus. This proves to be a poor choice that ends up coming back to haunt him later. The name Odysseus originally gives the cyclops is 'Noman' or 'Nobody'.

How did Odysseus get back to Ithaca?

Odysseus got back to Ithaca in a ship the the king of Pheacia lent him.

Who send Odysseus back to Ithaca?

The Phaeacians sent Odysseus back to Ithaca thanks to their king, King Alcinous.

What is Odysseus trying to do in the Odysseus?

Odysseus blinded Poseidon's son's eye who is a Cyclops. So he was cursed that can not go back home. He tried to go back home in the Odyssey.