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The key concept behind Bismark's successes in regards to the Unification of Germany is nationalism. Bismark was a very strong, influencial leader who won many battles to gain land and power for Germany. As more and more battles were won, the pride in Germany flourished and states became united in order to gain power and make Germany an even more powerful world leader.

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Otto Von Bismarck used a combination of diplomacy and war to achieve his goal of drawing smaller German states to Prussia's side. He engaged in a series of wars, known as the Wars of German Unification, to defeat rival states and create a unified German Empire under Prussian leadership. Bismarck also skillfully negotiated alliances and agreements to strengthen Prussia's position and isolate its enemies.

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Q: What did Otto von Bismarck do to achieve his goal of drawing smaller German states to Prussia's side?
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What is the meaning of an analytical question?

An analytical question is designed to investigate and understand a topic by breaking it down into smaller components, examining relationships between these components, and drawing conclusions based on evidence and data. These questions often require critical thinking and reasoning to analyze information effectively.

How do you achieve a long term goal?

Break the goal into smaller, manageable tasks, create a timeline with deadlines, stay focused and motivated, and track your progress regularly to ensure you're moving in the right direction. Also, be adaptable to changes and willing to adjust your plan as needed to overcome obstacles and stay on track towards achieving your long-term goal.

Are smaller arguments that in turn help support the thesis?

Yes, smaller arguments are known as subclaims or supporting points that collectively build a case to support the thesis statement. These smaller arguments provide evidence, reasoning, and examples to bolster the main thesis and strengthen the overall argument. It is crucial to develop coherent subclaims that directly connect to the central thesis to enhance the effectiveness of the argument.

What are smaller arguments that in turn help support the thesis?

Smaller arguments are specific points or pieces of evidence that support the overall thesis statement. They provide more detailed explanations or examples that back up the main argument and help strengthen the overall message of the thesis.

What does reduse mean?

It appears there may be a typo in your question. If you meant to ask about "reduce," it means to make something smaller in size, amount, or degree. It can also refer to simplifying something or making it more manageable.

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What did Otto von Bismarck do to achieve his goal of drawing smaller German states to Prussias side?

The key concept behind Bismark's successes in regards to the Unification of Germany is nationalism. Bismark was a very strong, influencial leader who won many battles to gain land and power for Germany. As more and more battles were won, the pride in Germany flourished and states became united in order to gain power and make Germany an even more powerful world leader.

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