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the Cyclops, Polyphemus was the son of Poseidon, the sea god. after pride got the better of Odysseus and he called out his name (and his father's name, and his country) to the him, the Cyclops prayed to his father that he may not reach his home alive, or that if the gods willed him to return alive, that he return in a bad state, with his home ruined. It was the prayer of Polyphemus that led to the deaths of all of Odysseus' men and his returning to the suitors eating him, his son Telemachus and his wife Penelope out of house and home.

if he hadn't called out his name, the Cyclops couldn't have cursed him. Untill then he thought his name was 'Nobody".

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Telling Polyphemus his name allowed the Cyclops to later curse Odysseus to Poseidon, causing further obstacles in his journey home as the god sought revenge for blinding his son. It also enabled Polyphemus to call upon his father's aid which delayed Odysseus' return to Ithaca.

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Q: What are the consequences of Odysseus telling the Cyclops his name?
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Which trait does Odysseus demonstrate by lying about his name to the Cyclops?

Odysseus demonstrates cunning and cleverness by lying to the Cyclops about his name. This trait allows him to outwit the Cyclops and successfully escape from captivity.

What foolish thing does Odysseus say to the Cyclops that demonstrates excessive pride?

Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is "Nobody." When he blinds the Cyclops, the Cyclops calls for help by saying "Nobody is hurting me," which leads the others to believe that no one is attacking him. Odysseus' pride in outsmarting the Cyclops causes him to reveal his true name, which ultimately leads to further danger for him and his men.

What valueable trait does Odysseus to get away from the cyclops?

Odysseus used his intelligence and cunningness to outsmart the Cyclops, Polyphemus. By cleverly convincing Polyphemus that his name was "Nobody" and blinding him while he was drunk, Odysseus was able to escape from the Cyclops's cave.

Why does Odysseus refuse to leave instead of stealing from the cyclops and just getting away?

Odysseus refuses to leave because he wants to know the Cyclops' name. In Greek culture, knowing one's name gives you power over them. By staying, Odysseus hopes to learn the name of the Cyclops and use it to gain an advantage or seek revenge in the future.

Why doesn't Odysseus kill the cyclops when he had the chance?

Odysseus does not kill the cyclops when he had the chance because he needed the cyclops to move the large stone blocking the exit of the cave. If he had killed the cyclops, he and his men would have been trapped inside the cave with no way out. Odysseus also wanted to learn the cyclops' name and establish a sense of hospitality before revealing his true identity.

Related questions

What mistake does Odysseus make with the cyclops?

One mistake Odysseus makes with the cyclops Polyphemus is telling him his real name, which allows the cyclops to later pray to his father, Poseidon, for revenge. This leads to a series of challenges and hardships for Odysseus on his journey home from Troy.

What name did Odysseus name the cyclops?

The cyclops was already named Polyphemus. Odysseus did not name the cyclops.

What is the significance of Odysseus telling the cyclops his name is nobody?

It enables Odysseus and his men to escape the Cyclops's cave and it confuses the other Cyclopses so they don't come to the aid of their friend.

Why is it a mistake that Odysseus tells the cyclops his real name?

Odysseus' pride would not allow him to keep his real identity a secret from the Cyclops. However the Cyclops is the son of Poseidon who hates Odysseus as it is. By telling the Cyclops his real name, Odysseus ultimately reveals himself to Poseidon. The Cyclops tells Poseidon who hurt him and Poseidon plagues the rest of Odysseus' journey. Had his pride not gotten in the way, Odysseus would have been home years before.

Why did Odysseus tell the Cyclops his real name when they are escaping?

To trick the cyclopes into telling the others that "nobody" has tricked him.

Why didn't Odysseus tell cyclops his name as soon as he asked?

Odysseus did not tell the cyclops his name cyclops promised him a gift

Why is Odysseus' name familiar to the cyclops?

I believe Odysseus provided a false name to the Cyclops. 'Nobody'

What is the name of the cyclops that Odysseus and men run into?

Polyphemus is the name of the giant cyclops that Odysseus and his men encounter.

What was the name of the cyclops blinded by Odysseus?

In the "Odyssey", Odysseus blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus with a red hot log.The cyclops that was blinded by Odysseus is Polyphemos.

What is the cyclops name?

The cyclops that Odysseus encountered was Polyphemus; in Greek Mythology there were many cyclops.

When Cyclops asks Odysseus' name what name does Odysseus give?


How does cyclops find out about Odysseus?

The cyclops learns through a seer that he will be blinded by Odysseus. Later on, after Polyphemus is blinded, Odysseus yells his name to Polyphemus while bragging about blinding the cyclops.