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  • The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was Constantinople.
  • Constantinople, the city which later became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, was established by the Emperor Constantine in 330 A.D.
  • Islam or the Muslim religion became the strongest rival of Christianity in the Mediterranean area.
  • The Byzantine Empire preserved Greek and Roman civilization after the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire during the 5th century A.D.
  • Constantinople, between 500 and 1000 A.D., was one of the most prosperous cities in the world.
  • The area of France was never a part of the Byzantine Empire.
  • The Justinian Code was a collection of laws from all over the empire that were organized and simplified by a committee of officials appointed by Justinian.
  • Greek replaced Latin as the major language of the Byzantine Empire 300 years after that empire was created.
  • The armies of the Byzantine Empire held back Muslim invaders for several centuries.
  • In the Byzantine Empire the emperor controlled both the government and the church.
  • The split between the eastern and western halves of the Christian church was caused by the issue of whether the pope should be supreme in church affairs
  • The Byzantine Empire was finally destroyed by the Turks.
  • Diocletian divided the Roman Empire because civil wars and foreign invasions showed that the empire had become too large to be ruled by one person.
  • Byzantium, the site for Constantinople was NOT near Rome.
  • One reason the Byzantine Empire outlived the Western Roman Empire is because its navy was able to control the seas bordering the empire.
  • An important change that occurred in the Byzantine Empire after the fall of the Roman Empire in the west was the replacement of Latin by Greek as the official imperial language.
  • The economy of the Byzantine Empire was controlled by the emperor.
  • The Empress Theodora convinced her husband, the Emperor Justinian, to suppress the Nika revolt.
  • In the Byzantine Empire only portraits of rulers (men and women) were depicted on coins.
  • As a result of Justinian's attempt to reunite the eastern and western halves of the old Roman Empire, Italy, and North Africa were conquered, but later lost to new invaders.
  • The Code of Justinian contains the principle that imperial judges can interpret the laws of the empire.
  • The Muslims presented the greatest danger to the Byzantine Empire after the death of Justinian.
  • The iconoclastic controversy involved a conflict over the use of statues and religious paintings in Christian churches.
  • There were often civil wars within the Byzantium Empire because of the lack of provision for an orderly succession to the throne.
  • The conquest of Asia Minor by the Seljuk Turks led to a call by the pope for a crusade against the Turks.
  • A basic cause of the schism between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches was the refusal of the Byzantine emperor and religious leaders to accept the authority of the pope over Byzantine churches.
  • Emperor Justinian I ruled during the 6th century from 527 to 565.
  • The Iconoclastic Controversy occurred during the 8th and 9th centuries.
  • The LAST to occur was the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks under their Sultan, Mohammed II, in 1453. With the fall of that capital city, the Byzantine Empire came to an end.
  • Anatolia, the heart of the Byzantine Empire, was located at map location 16.
  • Arabia, at location 17, is the homeland of the Arabs who conquered the Persian Empire and much of the Byzantine Empire.
  • The Persian Empire, at location 13, was the great rival of the Byzantine Empire for several centuries.
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Byzantine Plato refers to the philosophical tradition, rooted in the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, that developed and flourished in the Byzantine Empire. Scholars in this tradition focused on interpreting and furthering Plato's works, incorporating Christian theology and Neoplatonic ideas into their analyses. They sought to reconcile classical philosophy with Christian beliefs, influencing Byzantine intellectual thought and shaping the empire's education system.

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