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  1. In Book 9, Odysseus reveals his arrogance and lack of self-restraint when he tells Polyphemus his true identity, leading to dangerous consequences for his men.
  2. Odysseus's lies and deceit, such as pretending to be a beggar upon his return to Ithaca, show a lack of integrity and honor as a hero.
  3. His prolonged absence from home and dalliances with other women, like Calypso and Circe, demonstrate a lack of loyalty to his wife, Penelope.
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Q: What are some quotes from the Odyssey that demonstrate Odysseus is not a good hero?
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Who proves himself to be a good servant from the odyssey?

Eumaeus is considered a good servant in the Odyssey. He is loyal to Odysseus, caring for his home and son Telemachus during his absence. Despite being mistreated by the suitors, Eumaeus remains steadfast in his loyalty and devotion to his master.

What is the consequence of staying on the island of Helios in the odyssey?

In the Odyssey, the consequences of staying on the island of Helios were severe. Odysseus's men were warned not to harm the cattle of the sun god Helios, but they disobeyed. As a result, Zeus punished them by sending a storm that destroyed their ship and killed all of Odysseus's companions. Only Odysseus survived, but he faced many challenges as a result of their actions.

What does the Cyclops ask his Father Poseidon to do for him?

In the Odyssey by Homer Polyphemus, the cyclops asked Poseidon to make sure Odysseus never got home, and that he should lose all his men, so he would wander trying to find his way home alone.Hope that's good enough!kill odesyeus for revengeHe asks to take the barrel to the ship without getting caught by Odysseus

Is Odysseus a good role model?

Odysseus displays skills such as cunning and bravery, but he also exhibits flaws like recklessness and deceitfulness. While he is a complex character with both positive and negative qualities, whether he is a good role model ultimately depends on individual interpretation.

Is Odysseus a good or bad romodel for modern day?

Odysseus can be seen as a complex character with both positive and negative qualities. His bravery, intelligence, and perseverance make him a good role model in terms of overcoming challenges. However, his cunning and sometimes deceitful tactics may not be the best example for modern ethical behavior. Ultimately, it depends on which aspects of Odysseus' character one chooses to emulate.

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Where can odyssey quotes be read?

Quotes from the Odyssey, by Home, can be found online from many different literature quotes databases. Some examples include Wiki Quote and Good Read.

What would be a good job that Odysseus from the Odyssey would be good at?

Captain of a boat.

Who proves himself to be a good servant from the odyssey?

Eumaeus is considered a good servant in the Odyssey. He is loyal to Odysseus, caring for his home and son Telemachus during his absence. Despite being mistreated by the suitors, Eumaeus remains steadfast in his loyalty and devotion to his master.

What happens on calypso's island in the odyssey?

they have a good time, and odysseus doesn't want to leave, but they make him, the gods said no more of this madness 

The movie The Odyssey?

this movie is acctually a good movie because its about queen Penelope and Odysseus its like a ancient greek movie its a good movie because i watched it at schoool and it was awesome.

What is the consequence of staying on the island of Helios in the odyssey?

In the Odyssey, the consequences of staying on the island of Helios were severe. Odysseus's men were warned not to harm the cattle of the sun god Helios, but they disobeyed. As a result, Zeus punished them by sending a storm that destroyed their ship and killed all of Odysseus's companions. Only Odysseus survived, but he faced many challenges as a result of their actions.

In the Odyssey book 9 what does Odysseus do when he have left the island of the cyclops?

After they leave the cyclopes' island, Odysseus takes his ships back to the neighboring island that they stopped at before (the one with really good land for farming but no seeds have been planted and lots of goats). They sacrifice the goat that Odysseus used to escape- Polyphemus' biggest ram. They sacrifice it to Zeus, but Zeus ignores it.

What describes Athena's actions in The Odyssey?

Athena's actions are clever, witty and adroit. Her actions help Odysseus fulfill his prophecy to return home and restore his rule. Without her help, Odysseus would not have been able to leave Calypso's island in the first place so every thing she does is for the greater good.

What is the climax of The Odyssey?

The climax of "The Odyssey" is when Odysseus finally returns home to Ithaca, defeats the suitors who have been vying for his wife Penelope's hand, and reveals his true identity to his son Telemachus. This moment marks the resolution of the main conflict in the story and Odysseus' journey to reclaim his home and family.

What is a good sentence for demonstrate?

IT would be Tom will you demonstrate for the class

Where can one find good life quotes?

Good life quotes can be found in many places. A lot of people find good life quotes in the Holy Bible. The main chapter in the Bible to find the best good life quotes would be Proverbs.

What does the Cyclops ask his Father Poseidon to do for him?

In the Odyssey by Homer Polyphemus, the cyclops asked Poseidon to make sure Odysseus never got home, and that he should lose all his men, so he would wander trying to find his way home alone.Hope that's good enough!kill odesyeus for revengeHe asks to take the barrel to the ship without getting caught by Odysseus