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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

False. Odysseus does not say that the cyclops are solitary louts who do not have tribal customs or farms. In fact, he describes them as living in a community and cultivating the land in Homer's "The Odyssey."

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Q: True or false that odysseus says that the cyclops are solitary louts who do not have tribal customs or farms?
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Who first settled the Philippines?

The first settlers in the Philippines were the Austronesian peoples, who arrived from Taiwan around 4000 BCE. They formed various indigenous tribal groups and cultures across the islands.

What were Jefferson's instructions to Lewis and Clark on how to deal with Native Americans?

Jefferson instructed Lewis and Clark to establish friendly relations with Native American tribes they encountered, offering trade and gifts as a sign of goodwill. He advised them to respect tribal sovereignty and avoid conflict, while also gathering information on the tribes' customs, language, and territories. Jefferson hoped this diplomacy would pave the way for peaceful interactions and future cooperation with Native Americans.

What was the ultimate goal of chief Tecumseh?

Chief Tecumseh's ultimate goal was to unite Native American tribes to resist American expansion and preserve their lands and way of life. He envisioned a pan-tribal confederacy that could effectively oppose encroachment on indigenous territory and culture.

What challenges did Tecumseh face?

Tecumseh faced challenges such as uniting various Native American tribes into a unified front against American expansion, dealing with internal tribal conflicts and divisions, and facing military confrontations with the United States during the War of 1812. Additionally, he had to navigate political and diplomatic complexities in his quest to protect Native American lands and way of life.

What is the objective of pre colonial Philippines?

The objective of pre-colonial Philippines was to establish self-sufficient communities based on agriculture, trade, and cultural practices. These communities had social hierarchies led by tribal chiefs or datu, who governed through a system of alliances and maintained order in the society. The focus was on maintaining harmony with nature and fostering interdependence among community members.

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What were the tribal customs and celebrations the Cheyenne had?

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The Seminoles customs include the women wearing many bead necklaces. Storytelling that included tribal lore and the Green Corn Dance were other customs of the Seminoles.

Are the greek a tribal race?

Its hard to say. Greeks were split by mountains and they didn't tavel across them. They had their own customs in areas. But its hard to say they are a tribal race.

What has the author B B Mohanty written?

B. B. Mohanty has written: 'Tribal customs and traditions' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Scheduled tribes

What group of people served in the African tribal assembly?

I've never heard of an African Tribal Assembly . There are over 7,000 tribes across Africa and they all have different kinds gatherings and events you could call assemblies. Each would br according to their individual tribal customs.

Are mohawk haircuts part of Cherokee tribal customs or a fasion statement?

They are a fashion statement, caveat: Many tribal customs have been shared, or blended between tribes (The "Dream Catcher" for instance was originally Ojibwa but all tribes now use them) so the hair cut can be thought of in a traditional sense. Actully it was a tribal custom, their hair, as they believe, was a connection between them and the Creator.

Nomadic society and authority was based on what kind of organization?

Nomadic society and authority was based on tribal law and customs.

What is the study of tribal called?

The study of tribes is called anthropology, particularly cultural anthropology. This field focuses on understanding the customs, beliefs, and social structures of different tribal groups around the world.

How many tribal in the Philippines?

There are currently 110 recognized indigenous cultural communities or tribes in the Philippines. Each tribal group has its own unique language, customs, and traditions that contribute to the rich cultural diversity of the country.

Themes in dead mans path by chinua achebe?

tribal culture meets modern ideologies ignorance of other people's customs

What is the setting of the story the tribal scars or voltaique?

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What has the author Ludwig Alberti written?

Ludwig Alberti has written: 'Account of the tribal life and customs of the Xhosa in 1807' -- subject(s): Xhosa (African people)