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That the children of slaves were enslaved as well APEX(;

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Lvl 4
βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

A person from Saint-Domingue could use these words to criticize the practice of slavery. The excerpt suggests that individuals cannot fully give themselves up or alienate their own rights. This supports an argument against the ownership of individuals as property, as seen in the historical context of slavery in Saint-Domingue.

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Johnathan Frye

Lvl 4
βˆ™ 2y ago

that the children of the affranchis were free as well. Thank me later :)

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Natalie Steger

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 2y ago
the correct answer is that the children of slaves were enslaved as well
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Shannon Liam

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 2y ago
No, we won't thank you later
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Shaylin Tanner

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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Dedrick schafstall

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 2y ago
bruh made me get it wrong]
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Who was the philosopher Rousseau?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was an 18th-century philosopher, writer, and composer known for his ideas on society and government. He is most famous for his work "The Social Contract" where he argues for the primacy of individual freedom. Rousseau had a significant influence on the French Revolution and Romanticism.

What are Rousseau's views on radical freedom?

Rousseau believed in the concept of radical freedom as the state of nature where individuals are free from societal constraints and obligations. He argued that true freedom could only be achieved by living in harmony with nature and following one's natural instincts and emotions. Rousseau believed that returning to a simpler way of life would result in greater individual freedom and happiness.

What is Rousseau's view on human nature?

Rousseau believed that humans are inherently good, compassionate, and peaceful in their natural state. He argued that it is society and its institutions that corrupt individuals, leading to competition, inequality, and conflict. Rousseau's philosophy centered on the idea that returning to a more simple and harmonious way of living could help restore humanity's natural goodness.

Was Jean-Jacques Rousseau an enlightened thinker?

Yes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau was considered an enlightened thinker. His works, such as "The Social Contract" and "Emile," contributed to Enlightenment ideals of individual freedom, equality, and the importance of education. Rousseau's ideas on natural rights and social contract theory were influential in shaping Enlightenment philosophy.

Who said this man was born free but everywhere else he is in chains?

This quote is from French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his work "The Social Contract." Rousseau believed that society's institutions and rules limit individual freedoms, though people are born naturally free.

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Rousseau died from a hemorrhage at the age of 66.

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Rollie Rousseau was born in 1929.

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Danielle Rousseau was created in 2004.

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Félix Rousseau was born in 1887.

When did FΓ©lix Rousseau die?

Félix Rousseau died in 1981.

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George Rousseau was born in 1941.